[GastForen Programmierung/Entwicklung JavaScript ReLink Script (InD) modifizieren – Bitte um kleine JS-Hilfe

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ReLink Script (InD) modifizieren – Bitte um kleine JS-Hilfe

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26. Mai 2015, 10:11
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Hallo zusammen,

ich habe ein InDesign-JS gefunden, welches quasi genau das macht, was ich möchte…aber es dauert sehr lange, wie das bei großen Dokumenten mit vielen Verknüpfungen gern mal sein kann, wenn sich diese auf viele Unterordner erstrecken.

Da ich aber eine JS-Null bin, weiss ich nicht um die korrekte Syntax und bräuchte etwas Hilfe:

Dieses Script updatet alle fehlenden Links auf einen Match im angegeben Ordner+Unterordner. Wenn da nix gefunden wird, wird die Suche auf andere Extensions ausgeweitet. Funktioniert prima, aber dauert ewig bei meinen Docs.

Mein Plan: Selektiv gleich schon eher den richtigeren Ordner angeben, ergo: Statt die ganze Linkslist abzuarbeiten, soll das Script sich nur auf Auswahl/Markierung im Verknüpfungs Panel beschränken.

Ich dachte ich häng einfach myLinks=myDoc.links.selection; an, aber das geht nicht. Hat jemand bitte pfiffige Abhilfe?

/* Script for InDesign CS2, CS3 and CS4 
Version 14.1
This script relinks old links with new ones in a folder you choose, including subfolders.
At first, it looks for the new link that has the same name as the old one, in the selected folder, and if it's found, relinks it.
If the link with the exact name is not found and the link is not a text file (e.g. InCopy, Word, RTF, Exel file), the sript tries to find a file with the same base name but a different extension (".psd", ".tif", ".jpg", ".ai", ".eps", ".pdf", ".indd").
If the script doesn't find the new link in the chosen folder, it repeats the above-mentioned process for every subfolder.
Written by Kasyan Servetsky in June 2008.
askoldich@yahoo.com */

#target indesign

if (app.documents.length == 0) {
alert("Please open a document and try again.", "Script will be terminated", true);
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
var myLinks = myDoc.links; // myDoc.links.selection ???
if (myLinks.length == 0) {
alert("This document doesn't contain any links.", "Script will be terminated");
var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("Choose a folder with new links");
if (myFolder == null) {
var myCounter = 0;
var myInDesignVersion = Number(String(app.version).split(".")[0]);
var mySubFolders = new Array (myFolder.absoluteURI);
// List all possible file extension in this array
var myExtentions = [".psd", ".tif", ".jpg", ".ai", ".eps", ".pdf"];

// Progress bar
if (myInDesignVersion >= 5) {
var stop = myLinks.length;
var w = new Window ( 'window', 'Starting relinking files' );
var pb = w.add ('progressbar', [12, 12, 350, 24], 0, stop);
var txt = w.add('statictext');
txt.bounds = [0, 0, 340, 20];
txt.alignment = "left";
var a = 1;
} // Progress bar

// Loop through all links
for (i = myLinks.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
var myLink = myLinks[i];
if (myLink.extractLabel("relinked") != "yes") {

// Progress bar
if (myInDesignVersion >= 5) {
pb.value = a;
txt.text = String("Relinking file - " + myLink.name);
} // Progress bar

var myOldImageFile = new File (myLink.filePath);
var myOldPath = myOldImageFile.toString();
// Loop through all subfolders; the first subfolder is always the root folder
for (var s = 0; s < mySubFolders.length; s++) {
mySubFolder = mySubFolders[s] + "/";

// Progress bar
if (myInDesignVersion >= 5) {
var myCurrFolder = Folder (mySubFolders[s]);
w.text = "Current folder - \"" + myCurrFolder.displayName + "\"";
} // Progress bar

if (LinkUsage(myLink) == 1) {
main(myLink, mySubFolder);
else {
// Progress bar
if (myInDesignVersion >= 5) {
} // Progress bar

//-------------------------------- Final report ----------------------------
if (myCounter == 1) {
alert("One file has been relinked.", "Finished");
else if (myCounter > 1) {
alert(myCounter + " files have been relinked.", "Finished");
else {
alert("Nothing has been relinked.", "Finished");

//------------------------- Functions -------------------------------------
function main(myLink, myNewFolder) {
var myNewPath = myNewFolder + myLink.name.replace(" ", "%20");
if (myOldPath != myNewPath) {
var myResult = myRelink(myNewPath, myLink);
if (myResult == false) {
// If the link is not a text file
if (
myLink.linkType != "InCopyInterchange" &&
myLink.linkType != "InCopyStory" &&
myLink.linkType != "InCopyMarkup" &&
myLink.linkType != "Microsoft Excel Import Filter" &&
myLink.linkType != "Microsoft Word Import Filter" &&
myLink.linkType != "RTF Import Filter" &&
myLink.linkType != "Text"
) {
// If file not found, try with another extention
for (var k = 0; k < myExtentions.length; k++) {
try {
var myBasename = myNewPath.match(/(.*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1];
myNewPath = myBasename + myExtentions[k];
myRelink(myNewPath, myLink);
catch (myError){}
// Relink and update
function myRelink(myNewPath, myLink) {
var myNewLink = new File (myNewPath);
if (myNewLink.exists) {
myLink.relink (myNewLink);
try {
var myCurrentLink = myLink.update();
} catch(e){}
if ( app.version.substr(0, 3) == "6.0" && (parseInt(app.version.substr(4, 1)) >= 4) ) {
myLink.insertLabel("relinked", "yes");
else {
myCurrentLink.insertLabel("relinked", "yes");

return true;
return false;
// Get all subfolders in the selected folder
function getSubFolders(theFolder) {
var myFileList = theFolder.getFiles();
for (var i = 0; i < myFileList.length; i++) {
var myFile = myFileList[i];
if (myFile instanceof Folder){
return mySubFolders;
// Check how many times the link was placed
function LinkUsage(myLink) {
var myLinkCounter = 0;
for (var c = 0; c < myDoc.links.length; c++) {
if (myLink.filePath == myDoc.links[c].filePath) {
myLinkCounter += 1;
return myLinkCounter
// Relink the links placed more than once
function processMultiUsedLinks() {
var myCounter = 1;
var myMultiUsedLink = new Array();
for (var d = 0; d < myLinks.length; d++) {
if (myLinks[d].filePath == myLink.filePath) {
for (e = myMultiUsedLink.length-1; e >= 0 ; e--) {
if (myMultiUsedLink[e].extractLabel("relinked") != "yes") {
if (myInDesignVersion >= 5) {
txt.text = String("Relinking file - " + myLink.name + " (" + myCounter + " of " + myMultiUsedLink.length + ")");
main(myMultiUsedLink[e], mySubFolder);
// Clear labels in case this script has been already run on the current document
function crearLabels() {
for (var f = 0; f < myDoc.links.length; f++) {
if (myDoc.links[f].extractLabel("relinked") != "") {
myDoc.links[f].insertLabel("relinked", "");

(Dieser Beitrag wurde von NEU! am 26. Mai 2015, 10:13 geändert)

ReLink Script (InD) modifizieren – Bitte um kleine JS-Hilfe

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2. Jun 2015, 08:56
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