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Indesign Voreinstellungen/Preferences/Defaults per Skript

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18. Sep 2012, 11:03

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ich möchte mein Skript beisteuern, das mir die Arbeit erleichtert _meine_ Voreinstellungen wiedereinzustellen.

Nachdem Indesign mich mal wieder zum Affengriff zum Löschen der Indesign Voreinstellungen gezwungen hat, ist das eine Wohltat. Vielleicht kann der ein oder andere auch einfach die Liste an Settings gebrauchen.

Nur ein Teil der Arbeit für das Skript stammt von mir! Die grosse Arbeit - das herausfinden aller Befehle - stammt von Es gibt das kostenlose "Preference Manager" Script von, 2009. Dieses lief bei mir leider nicht und ich wollte auch keinen manager sonder nur ein einzelnes anpassbares Skript. Das Intools Skript speichert alle Settings in einer XML-Datei. Diese XML-Datei habe ich zur Grundlage genommen daraus wieder die Javascriptbefehle für die Settings zu machen.

lieben Gruß,

Hier das Skript:
// restoreSettings.jsx    

// DESCRIPTION: Use to quickly apply preferences. I wrote this because i was sick of having to set MY settings over and over again,
// after indesign forced me to revert to Defaults due to the empty panel bug. No garantee for completness
// or funktionality. ATTENTION: this is based on the american default settings for Indesign CS5.
// So be cautious with uncommenting settings - know what you're doing!
// Perhaps some settings will not work for a different language version of ID - yet I myself use it in a german Indesign CS5.5 and it works for me.

// BESCHREIBUNG: Stellt verschiedene Indesign-Settings ein. Nett für den Fall, daß man man mal wieder zu den Defaults zurückmuss
// und dann nicht wieder von Hand alles einstellen will. Es sind fast alle Settings vorhanden aber auskommentiert und können
// bei Bedarf aktiviert werden. ACHTUNG: Basiert auf den amerikanischen Defaulteinstellungen, darum sollten Sie die
// Settings mit Bedacht aktivieren. Leider gibt es keine Setting für das Schnell-Anwenden-Panel.

// Stephan Möbius

#target "InDesign-7.5"
colormanagementUserProfile = "isoCoatedV2_eciRGBV2"; // Enter the name of the Indesign color managment profile that you use.

try {
app.applyWorkspace("Stephan 1 (ein Monitor)");
} catch (e) {app.applyWorkspace();}

try {
} catch (e) { app.applyShortcutSet();}

try {
app.colorSettings.cmsSettings = colormanagementUserProfile;
} catch (e){
with (app.colorSettings) {
cmykPolicy = 1129345124;
ColorSettingsPolicy.COLOR_POLICY_OFF Turns off color management for documents whose profiles do not match the working space. For imported colors, numeric values override color appearance. 1129344870 = 'CPof'
ColorSettingsPolicy.COMBINATION_OF_PRESERVE_AND_SAFE_CMYK Preserves raw color numbers and ignores embedded color profiles. 1129345124 = 'CPpd'
ColorSettingsPolicy.CONVERT_TO_WORKING_SPACE Converts newly opened documents to the current working space. For imported colors, color appearance overrides numeric values. 1129346931 = 'CPws'
ColorSettingsPolicy.PRESERVE_EMBEDDED_PROFILES Preserves embedded color profiles in newly opened documents. 1129345136 = 'CPpp'
enableColorManagement = true;
engine = "Adobe (ACE)";
mismatchAskWhenOpening = true;
mismatchAskWhenPasting = true;
missingAskWhenOpening = true;
rgbPolicy = 1129345136;
ColorSettingsPolicy.COLOR_POLICY_OFF Turns off color management for documents whose profiles do not match the working space. For imported colors, numeric values override color appearance. 1129344870 = 'CPof'
ColorSettingsPolicy.COMBINATION_OF_PRESERVE_AND_SAFE_CMYK Preserves raw color numbers and ignores embedded color profiles. 1129345124 = 'CPpd'
ColorSettingsPolicy.CONVERT_TO_WORKING_SPACE Converts newly opened documents to the current working space. For imported colors, color appearance overrides numeric values. 1129346931 = 'CPws'
ColorSettingsPolicy.PRESERVE_EMBEDDED_PROFILES Preserves embedded color profiles in newly opened documents. 1129345136 = 'CPpp'
useBPC = true;
workingSpaceCMYK = "ISO Coated v2 (ECI)";
workingSpaceRGB = "eciRGB v2 ICCv4";
intent = 1380545123;
DefaultRenderingIntent.ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC Aims to maintain color accuracy at the expense of color relationshps and is suitable for proofing to simulate the output of a particular device. Note: Leaves colors that fall inside the destination gamut unchanged and clips out-of-gamut colors. 1380540771 = 'RIac'
DefaultRenderingIntent.PERCEPTUAL Aims to preserve the visual relationship between colors so they are perceived as natural to the human eye, even though the color values themselves may change. 1380544611 = 'RIpc'
DefaultRenderingIntent.RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC Compares the extreme highlight of the source color space to that of the destination color space and shifts all colors accordingly. Out-of-gamut colors are shifted to the closest reproducible color in the destination color space. Note: Preserves more of the original colors in an image than perceptual rendering intent does. 1380545123 = 'RIrc'
DefaultRenderingIntent.SATURATION Tries to produce vivid colors in an image at the expense of color accuracy. 1380545377 = 'RIsa'

// accurateLABSpots = false;
// idealizedBlackToScreen = true;
// idealizedBlackToExport = true;
} // (end of colorSettings)

with (app.alignDistributePreferences) {
alignDistributeBounds = 1416587604;
distributeAbsolute = false;
distributeAbsoluteMeasurement = 0;
distributeSpaceAbsolute = false;
distributeSpaceAbsoluteMeasurement = 0;
} // (end of alignDistributePreferences)

with (app.autoCorrectPreferences) {
//autoCorrect = false;
//autoCorrectCapitalizationErrors = false;
} // (end of autoCorrectPreferences)

with (app.clipboardPreferences) {
//preferStyledTextWhenPasting = false;
//preferPDFWhenPasting = false;
//copyPDFToClipboard = true;
//pasteRemembersLayers = true;
//preservePdfClipboardAtQuit = false;
} // (end of clipboardPreferences)

with (app.displayPerformancePreferences) {
defaultDisplaySettings = 1349810544;
ViewDisplaySettings.HIGH_QUALITY Slower performance; displays high-resolution graphics and high-quality transparencies and turns on anti-aliasing. 1346922866 = 'PHir'
ViewDisplaySettings.OPTIMIZED Best performance; grays out graphics and turns off transparency and anti-aliasing. 1349480564 = 'Popt'
ViewDisplaySettings.TYPICAL Moderate performance speed; displays proxy graphics and low-quality transparencies and turns on anti-aliasing. 1349810544 = 'Ptyp'
//ignoreLocalSettings = false;
// persistLocalSettings = false;
} // (end of displayPerformancePreferences)

with (app.epsExportPreferences) {
// bleedBottom = 0;
// bleedInside = 0;
// bleedOutside = 0;
// bleedTop = 0;
// epsColor = 1129142603;
// dataFormat = 1095975753;
with (appliedFlattenerPreset)
// name = "[Medium Resolution]";
// rasterVectorBalance = 75;
// lineArtAndTextResolution = 300;
// gradientAndMeshResolution = 150;
// clipComplexRegions = true;
// convertAllStrokesToOutlines = true;
// convertAllTextToOutlines = false;
// id = 128;
// index = 1;
} // (end of appliedFlattenerPreset)
// fontEmbedding = 1768842098;
// ignoreSpreadOverrides = false;
// omitBitmaps = false;
// omitEPS = false;
// omitPDF = false;
// opiImageReplacement = false;
// pageRange = 1886547553;
// preview = 1164997734;
// postscriptLevel = 1347636274;
// epsSpreads = false;
// imageData = 1853058416;
} // (end of epsExportPreferences)

with (app.epsImportPreferences) {
// opiComments = false;
// epsFrames = false;
// epsProxy = 1699311204;
} // (end of epsImportPreferences)

with (app.excelImportPreferences) {
// sheetIndex = 0;
// alignmentStyle = 1936749171;
// decimalPlaces = 3;
// showHiddenCells = false;
// errorCode = 0;
// tableFormatting = 2020365652;
// useTypographersQuotes = true;
// preserveGraphics = true;
} // (end of excelImportPreferences)

with (app.generalPreferences) {
// toolTips = 1852797549;
ToolTipOptions.FAST Displays tool tips more quickly than normal. 1180791668 = 'Fast'
ToolTipOptions.NONE Turns off tool tips. 1852796517 = 'none'
ToolTipOptions.NORMAL Displays tool tips. 1852797549 = 'norm'
// toolsPanel = 1162109804;
// autoCollapseIconPanels = false;
placeCursorUsesThumbnails = false;
// autoShowHiddenPanels = true;
// useApplicationFrame = false;
// applicationBarShown = false;
// openDocumentsAsTabs = true;
// enableFloatingWindowDocking = true;
// openRecentLength = 10;
// showTransformationValues = true;
// pageNumbering = 1935897710;
PageNumberingOptions.ABSOLUTE Numbers all pages in the document sequentially. 1096971116 = 'Absl'
PageNumberingOptions.SECTION Numbers pages according to page numbering specifications of the section. 1935897710 = 'sctn'
// completeFontDownloadGlyphLimit = 2000;
includePreview = false;
// previewSize = 1701727588;
PreviewSizeOptions.EXTRA_LARGE Extra large preview (1024 x 1024). 1162629234 = 'ELPr'
PreviewSizeOptions.LARGE Large preview (512 x 512). 1281446002 = 'LaPr'
PreviewSizeOptions.MEDIUM Medium preview (256 x 256). 1701727588 = 'enMd'
PreviewSizeOptions.SMALL Small preview (128 x 128). 1399672946 = 'SmPr'
} // (end of generalPreferences)

with (app.grabberPreferences) {
grabberPanning = 1699116368;
PanningTypes.GREEK_IMAGES While scrolling, greeks newly revealed images until the mouse is released; medium quality display with medium performance speed. 1699111248 = 'eFaP'
PanningTypes.GREEK_IMAGES_AND_TEXT While scrolling, greeks newly revealed images and text until the mouse is released; highest quality display with the slowest performance. 1699639120 = 'eNoP'
PanningTypes.NO_GREEKING While scrolling, does not greek images or text; lowest quality display with the fastest performance. 1699116368 = 'eFuP'
} // (end of grabberPreferences)

with (app.imePreferences) {
// inlineInput = true;
} // (end of imePreferences)

with (app.imageIOPreferences) {
// previewResolution = 72;
// applyPhotoshopClippingPath = true;
// allowAutoEmbedding = true;
} // (end of imageIOPreferences)

with (app.imagePreferences) {
// preserveBounds = true;
} // (end of imagePreferences)

with (app.importedPageAttributes) {
// pageNumber = 1;
// importedPageCrop = 1131573315;
CROP_CONTENT Places the page’s bounding box. 1131573315 = ‘CrpC’
CROP_ART Places only the area defined by the PDF author as placeable artwork. 1131573313 = ‘CrpA’
CROP_PDF Places only the area displayed by Acrobat. 1131573328 = ‘CrpP’
CROP_TRIM Places only the area that represents the final trim size of the document. 1131573332 = ‘CrpT’
CROP_BLEED Places only the area that represents clipped content. 1131573314 = ‘CrpB’
CROP_MEDIA Places the area that represents the physical paper size of the original PDF document. 1131573325 = ‘CrpM’
} // (end of importedPageAttributes)

with (app.incopyExportOptions) {
// includeGraphicProxies = true;
// includeAllResources = false;
} // (end of incopyExportOptions)

with (app.jpegExportPreferences) {
exportingSpread = true;
jpegQuality = 1701727351;
PDFJPEGQualityOptions.HIGH Uses high JPEG compression. 1701726313 = 'enHi'
PDFJPEGQualityOptions.LOW Uses low JPEG compression. 1701727351 = 'enLw'
PDFJPEGQualityOptions.MAXIMUM Uses maximum JPEG compression. 1701727608 = 'enMx'
PDFJPEGQualityOptions.MEDIUM Uses medium JPEG compression. 1701727588 = 'enMd'
PDFJPEGQualityOptions.MINIMUM Uses minimum JPEG compression. 1701727598 = 'enMn'
// jpegRenderingStyle = 1785751394;
JPEGOptionsFormat.BASELINE_ENCODING Uses baseline encoding to download the image in one pass. 1785751394 = 'jpgb'
JPEGOptionsFormat.PROGRESSIVE_ENCODING Uses progressive encoding to download the image in a series of passes, with the first pass at low resolution and each successive pass adding resolution to the image. 1785751408 = 'jpgp'
// jpegExportRange = 1785742657;
// resolution = 72;
} // (end of jpegExportPreferences)

with (app.linkingPreferences) {
checkLinksAtOpen = false;
findMissingLinksAtOpen = false;
} // (end of linkingPreferences)

with (app.notePreferences) {
// noteBackgroundColor = 1699168839;
// noteColor = 1766290030;
// showNoteTips = true;
// findAndReplaceNoteContents = true;
// spellCheckNotes = true;
// noteColorChoices = 1700091203;
} // (end of notePreferences)

with (app.pdfExportPreferences) {
// pageRange = 1886547553;
PageRange.ALL_PAGES Print or export all pages in the document. 1886547553 = 'prna'
PageRange.SELECTED_ITEMS Export selected items in the document. 1886547571 = 'prns'
// useSecurity = false;
// viewPDF = false;
// subsetFontsBelow = 100;
// pdfColorSpace = 1666336578;
// includeICCProfiles = 1229144929;
// omitEPS = false;
// omitPDF = false;
// omitBitmaps = false;
// cropImagesToFrames = true;
// generateThumbnails = false;
// optimizePDF = true;
// includeStructure = false;
// acrobatCompatibility = 1097020720;
// pdfDestinationProfile = "sRGB IEC61966-2.1";
// pdfXProfile = 1967419235;
// includeHyperlinks = false;
// includeBookmarks = false;
// exportNonprintingObjects = false;
// exportGuidesAndGrids = false;
// exportLayers = false;
// contentToEmbed = 1164791635;
// standardsCompliance = 1852796517;
// interactiveElements = false;
// colorBitmapSampling = 1650742125;
// colorBitmapSamplingDPI = 150;
// colorBitmapCompression = 1631808880;
// colorBitmapQuality = 1701727588;
// grayscaleBitmapSampling = 1650742125;
// grayscaleBitmapSamplingDPI = 150;
// grayscaleBitmapCompression = 1631808880;
// grayscaleBitmapQuality = 1701727588;
// monochromeBitmapSampling = 1650742125;
// monochromeBitmapSamplingDPI = 300;
// monochromeBitmapCompression = 1128879156;
// compressTextAndLineArt = true;
// thresholdToCompressColor = 225;
// thresholdToCompressGray = 225;
// thresholdToCompressMonochrome = 450;
// colorTileSize = 128;
// grayTileSize = 128;
// compressionType = 1131368047;
// exportReaderSpreads = false;
// pageMarksOffset = 2.11666666666667;
// cropMarks = false;
// pageInformationMarks = false;
// bleedMarks = false;
// colorBars = false;
// registrationMarks = false;
// printerMarkWeight = 842346608;
// bleedTop = 0;
// bleedInside = 0;
// bleedBottom = 0;
// bleedOutside = 0;
// pdfMarkType = 1147563124;
// useDocumentBleedWithPDF = false;
// includeSlugWithPDF = false;
// ocRegistry = "";
// viewJDF = false;
// effectivePDFDestinationProfile = "sRGB IEC61966-2.1";
// effectiveOCRegistry = "";
// effectiveOutputCondition = "FOGRA27";
// effectivePDFXProfile = "Coated FOGRA27 (ISO 12647-2:2004)";
// exportWhichLayers = 1702260844;
} // (end of pdfExportPreferences)

with (app.pdfPlacePreferences) {
// pageNumber = 1;
// pdfCrop = 1131573315;
CROP_CONTENT Places the page’s bounding box. 1131573315 = ‘CrpC’
CROP_ART Places only the area defined by the PDF author as placeable artwork. 1131573313 = ‘CrpA’
CROP_PDF Places only the area displayed by Acrobat. 1131573328 = ‘CrpP’
CROP_TRIM Places only the area that represents the final trim size of the document. 1131573332 = ‘CrpT’
CROP_BLEED Places only the area that represents clipped content. 1131573314 = ‘CrpB’
CROP_MEDIA Places the area that represents the physical paper size of the original PDF document. 1131573325 = ‘CrpM’
// transparentBackground = true;
} // (end of pdfPlacePreferences)

with (app.polygonPreferences) {
// insetPercentage = 0;
// numberOfSides = 6;
} // (end of polygonPreferences)

with (app.preflightBookOptions) {
// preflightWhichLayers = 1886148176;
PreflightLayerOptions.PREFLIGHT_ALL_LAYERS Preflight all layers 1886142796 = 'plAL'
PreflightLayerOptions.PREFLIGHT_VISIBLE_LAYERS Preflight visible layers 1886148172 = 'plVL'
PreflightLayerOptions.PREFLIGHT_VISIBLE_PRINTABLE_LAYERS Preflight visible and printable layers 1886148176 = 'plVP'
// preflightIncludeObjectsOnPasteboard = false;
// preflightIncludeNonprintingObjects = false;
// preflightProfilePolicy = 1885622342;
PreflightProfileOptions.USE_EMBEDDED_PROFILE Preflight using the embedded profile. 1885619533 = 'pdEM'
PreflightProfileOptions.USE_WORKING_PROFILE Preflight using working profile. 1885622342 = 'pdPF'
// preflightWorkingProfile = "[Basic]";
} // (end of preflightBookOptions)

with (app.swfExportPreferences) {
// fitMethod = 1684304739;
// fitOption = 1718906726;
// fitScale = 100;
// pageRange = 1886547553;
// dynamicDocumentExportReaderSpreads = true;
// rasterizePages = false;
// generateHTML = true;
// textExportPolicy = 1952804972;
// includeButtons = true;
// includeHyperlinks = true;
// includePageTransitions = true;
// includeInteractivePageCurl = true;
// rasterCompression = 1936875875;
// jpegQualityOptions = 1701727588;
// curveQuality = 1701727588;
// rasterResolution = 72;
// resamplingType = 1650742125;
// resamplingThreshold = 72;
// useNetworkAccess = false;
// viewSWFAfterExporting = true;
} // (end of swfExportPreferences)

with (app.scriptPreferences) {
// version = 6.0;
userInteractionLevel = 1699311169;
NEVER_INTERACT The script does not display any dialogs or alerts. 1699640946 = ‘eNvr’
INTERACT_WITH_ALL The script displays all dialogs and alerts. 1699311169 = ‘eInA’
INTERACT_WITH_ALERTS Displays alerts but not dialogs. 1699311170 = ‘eInB’
// enableRedraw = true;
} // (end of scriptPreferences)

with (app.smartGuidePreferences) {
enabled = false;
// alignToObjectEdges = true;
// alignToObjectCenter = true;
// smartDimensions = true;
// smartSpacing = true;
// guideColor = 1766286439;
} // (end of smartGuidePreferences)

with (app.spellPreferences) {
// dynamicSpellCheck = false;
// misspelledWordColor = 1767007588;
// repeatedWordColor = 1766290030;
// uncapitalizedWordColor = 1766290030;
// uncapitalizedSentenceColor = 1766290030;
// checkMisspelledWords = true;
// checkRepeatedWords = true;
// checkCapitalizedWords = true;
// checkCapitalizedSentences = true;
} // (end of spellPreferences)

with (app.strokeFillProxySettings) {
// active = 1181314156;
// target = 1181696340;
with (fillColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of fillColor)
with (strokeColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of strokeColor)
} // (end of strokeFillProxySettings)

with (app.taggedTextExportPreferences) {
// characterSet = 1095975753;
// tagForm = 1414821474;
} // (end of taggedTextExportPreferences)

with (app.taggedTextImportPreferences) {
// useTypographersQuotes = true;
// removeTextFormatting = false;
// styleConflict = 1414819940;
} // (end of taggedTextImportPreferences)

with (app.textEditingPreferences) {
dragAndDropTextInLayout = true;
// allowDragAndDropTextInStory = true;
// tripleClickSelectsLine = true;
// smartCutAndPaste = true;
singleClickConvertsFramesToTextFrames = false;
} // (end of textEditingPreferences)

with (app.textExportPreferences) {
characterSet = 1937134904;
TextExportCharacterSet.DEFAULT_PLATFORM The default character set for the platform. 1415865972 = 'Tdft'
TextExportCharacterSet.UTF16 The Unicode UTF16 character set. 1937125686 = 'sv16'
TextExportCharacterSet.UTF8 The Unicode UTF8 character set. 1937134904 = 'svU8'
// platform = 1296130931;
} // (end of textExportPreferences)

with (app.textImportPreferences) {
// characterSet = 1416450669;
TextImportCharacterSet.ANSI The ANSI character set. 1095652169 = 'ANSI'
TextImportCharacterSet.CENTRALEUROPEAN_ISO The Central European (ISO) character set. 1416184645 = 'TiCE'
TextImportCharacterSet.CHINESE_BIG_5 The Chinese Big 5 character set. 1415799349 = 'Tcb5'
TextImportCharacterSet.CYRILLIC_CP855 The Cyrillic (CP855) character set. 1415788597 = 'Tc85'
TextImportCharacterSet.CYRILLIC_ISO The Cyrillic (ISO) character set. 1416184697 = 'TiCy'
TextImportCharacterSet.CYRILLIC_KOI8R The Cyrillic (KOI8R) character set. 1416312946 = 'Tk8r'
TextImportCharacterSet.CYRILLIC_KOI8U The Cyrillic (KOI8U) character set. 1416312949 = 'Tk8u'
TextImportCharacterSet.DOS_LATIN_2 The DOS Latin 2 character set. 1415867442 = 'Tdl2'
TextImportCharacterSet.GB18030 The GB18030 character set. 1416061491 = 'Tgb3'
TextImportCharacterSet.GB2312 The GB2312 character set. 1416061535 = 'Tgb_'
TextImportCharacterSet.GREEK_ISO The Greek (ISO) character set. 1416185707 = 'TiGk'
TextImportCharacterSet.KSC5601 The KSC5601 character set. 1414230883 = 'TKsc'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_CE The Macintosh CE (Cantral European) character set. 1416446789 = 'TmCE'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_CROATIAN The Macintosh Croatian character set. 1416446834 = 'TmCr'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_CYRILLIC The Macintosh Cyrillic character set. 1416446841 = 'TmCy'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_GREEK The Macintosh Greek character set. 1416447858 = 'TmGr'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_ICELANDIC The Macintosh Icelandic character set. 1416448355 = 'TmIc'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_ROMAN The Macintosh Roman character set. 1416450669 = 'TmRm'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_ROMANIAN The Macintosh Romanian character set. 1416450671 = 'TmRo'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_TURKISH The Macintosh Turkish character set. 1416451186 = 'TmTr'
TextImportCharacterSet.RECOMMENDSHIFTJIS83PV The Recommend:Shift_JIS 83pv character set. 1412969328 = 'T83p'
TextImportCharacterSet.SHIFTJIS90MS The Shift_JIS 90ms character set. 1413034093 = 'T90m'
TextImportCharacterSet.SHIFTJIS90PV The Shift_JIS 90pv character set. 1413034096 = 'T90p'
TextImportCharacterSet.TURKISH_ISO The Turkish (ISO) character set. 1416189045 = 'TiTu'
TextImportCharacterSet.UTF16 The Unicode UTF16 character set. 1937125686 = 'sv16'
TextImportCharacterSet.UTF8 The Unicode UTF8 character set. 1937134904 = 'svU8'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_BALTIC Tthe Windows Baltic character set. 1417101940 = 'TwBt'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_CE The Windows CE (Central European) character set. 1417102149 = 'TwCE'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_CYRILLIC The Windows Cyrillic character set. 1417102201 = 'TwCy'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_EE The Windows EE (Eastern European) character set. 1417102661 = 'TwEE'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_GREEK The Windows Greek character set. 1417103218 = 'TwGr'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_TURKISH The Windows Turkish character set. 1417106549 = 'TwTu'
// platform = 1466852474;
// dictionary = "Deutsch: Rechtschreibreform 2006";
// stripReturnsBetweenLines = false;
// stripReturnsBetweenParagraphs = false;
// convertSpacesIntoTabs = false;
// spacesIntoTabsCount = 3;
useTypographersQuotes = true;
} // (end of textImportPreferences)

with (app.transformPreferences) {
// dimensionsIncludeStrokeWeight = true;
// transformationsAreTotals = true;
// showContentOffset = true;
// whenScaling = 1934192243;
WhenScalingOptions.ADJUST_SCALING_PERCENTAGE Adjust the scaling percentage of the item's transform 1934587252 = 'sOut'
WhenScalingOptions.APPLY_TO_CONTENT Apply scaling to the item's content 1934192243 = 'sIns'
// adjustStrokeWeightWhenScaling = true;
} // (end of transformPreferences)

with (app.wordRTFImportPreferences) {
// convertPageBreaks = 1397778242;
importIndex = false;
importTOC = false;
removeFormatting = true;
// convertTablesTo = 1396921684;
// preserveLocalOverrides = false;
importUnusedStyles = false;
// resolveCharacterStyleClash = 2001879877;
// resolveParagraphStyleClash = 2001879877;
// preserveGraphics = true;
// preserveTrackChanges = true;
importFootnotes = false;
importEndnotes = false;
useTypographersQuotes = true;
// convertBulletsAndNumbersToText = false;
} // (end of wordRTFImportPreferences)

with (app.xflExportPreferences) {
// fitMethod = 1684304739;
// fitOption = 1718906726;
// fitScale = 100;
// pageRange = 1886547553;
// dynamicDocumentExportReaderSpreads = true;
// rasterizePages = false;
// flattenTransparency = false;
// textExportPolicy = 1952804972;
// rasterFormat = 1397059687;
// jpegQualityOptions = 1701727588;
// rasterResolution = 72;
// resamplingType = 1650742125;
// resamplingThreshold = 72;
} // (end of xflExportPreferences)

with (app.anchoredObjectDefaults) {
// anchorContent = 1970168179;
UNASSIGNED No content type assigned. 1970168179 = ‘unas’
GRAPHIC_TYPE The frame is a graphics frame. 1735553140 = ‘grpt’
TEXT_TYPE The frame is a text frame. 1952412773 = ‘t_te’
// initialAnchorHeight = 25.4;
// initialAnchorWidth = 25.4;
// anchoredParagraphStyle = "[No Paragraph Style]";
// anchoredObjectStyle = "[None]";
} // (end of anchoredObjectDefaults)

with (app.anchoredObjectSettings) {
// anchoredPosition = 1095716969;
// spineRelative = false;
// lockPosition = false;
// pinPosition = true;
// anchorPoint = 1095656050;
// horizontalAlignment = 1818584692;
// horizontalReferencePoint = 1954051174;
// verticalAlignment = 1953460256;
// verticalReferencePoint = 1096180321;
// anchorXoffset = 0;
// anchorYoffset = 0;
// anchorSpaceAbove = 0;
} // (end of anchoredObjectSettings)

with (app.baselineFrameGridOptions) {
// useCustomBaselineFrameGrid = false;
// startingOffsetForBaselineFrameGrid = 0;
// baselineFrameGridRelativeOption = 1163161449;
// baselineFrameGridIncrement = 4.23333333333333;
baselineFrameGridColor = 1766614898;
} // (end of baselineFrameGridOptions)

with (app.conditionalTextPreferences) {
showConditionIndicators = 1698908520;
ConditionIndicatorMode.HIDE_INDICATORS Conditions indicators hide. 1698908520 = 'eCIh'
ConditionIndicatorMode.SHOW_AND_PRINT_INDICATORS Conditions indicators show and print. 1698908528 = 'eCIp'
ConditionIndicatorMode.SHOW_INDICATORS Condition indicators show only. 1698908531 = 'eCIs'
} // (end of conditionalTextPreferences)

with (app.dataMergeOptions) {
// fittingOption = 1684885618;
// centerImage = false;
// linkImages = true;
// removeBlankLines = false;
// createNewDocument = false;
// documentSize = 50;
} // (end of dataMergeOptions)

with (app.dictionaryPreferences) {
// composition = 1651471464;
// mergeUserDictionary = false;
// recomposeWhenChanged = true;
} // (end of dictionaryPreferences)

with (app.documentPreferences) {
pageHeight = 297;
pageWidth = 210;
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columnGuideColor = 1766286439;
marginGuideColor = 1766286439;
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// preserveLayoutWhenShuffling = true;
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// pageSize = "A4";
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// columnDirection = 1752134266;
// snippetImportUsesOriginalLocation = false;
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with (app.exportForWebPreferences) {
// copyFormattedImages = false;
// copyOptimizedImages = false;
// copyOriginalImages = false;
// imageConversion = 1768059764;
// gifOptionsPalette = 1886151024;
// gifOptionsInterlaced = false;
// jpegOptionsQuality = 1701727588;
// jpegOptionsFormat = 1785751394;
} // (end of exportForWebPreferences)

with (app.footnoteOptions) {
// footnoteNumberingStyle = 1298231906;
// startAt = 1;
// restartNumbering = 1180988019;
// showPrefixSuffix = 1181774702;
// footnoteTextStyle = "[Basic Paragraph]";
// footnoteMarkerStyle = "[None]";
// markerPositioning = 1181569904;
// separatorText = " ";
// spaceBetween = 0;
// spacer = 0;
// footnoteFirstBaselineOffset = 1296852079;
// footnoteMinimumFirstBaselineOffset = 0;
// eosPlacement = false;
// noSplitting = false;
// ruleOn = true;
with (ruleType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of ruleType)
// ruleLineWeight = 1;
with (ruleColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of ruleColor)
with (ruleGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of ruleGapColor)
// ruleTint = 100;
// ruleGapTint = 100;
// ruleGapOverprint = false;
// ruleOverprint = false;
// ruleLeftIndent = 0;
// ruleWidth = 25.4;
// ruleOffset = 0;
// continuingRuleOn = true;
with (continuingRuleType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of continuingRuleType)
// continuingRuleLineWeight = 1;
with (continuingRuleColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of continuingRuleColor)
with (continuingRuleGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of continuingRuleGapColor)
// continuingRuleTint = 100;
// continuingRuleGapTint = 100;
// continuingRuleOverprint = false;
// continuingRuleGapOverprint = false;
// continuingRuleLeftIndent = 0;
// continuingRuleWidth = 101.6;
// continuingRuleOffset = 0;
} // (end of footnoteOptions)

with (app.galleyPreferences) {
// backgroundColor = 1767336052;
// blinkCursor = true;
// cursorType = 1699968100;
// smoothText = true;
// textColor = 1765960811;
// showDepthRuler = true;
// antiAliasType = 1732527186;
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// infoColumnWidth = 47.9777777777778;
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// showParagraphBreakMarks = false;
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with (app.gridPreferences) {
documentGridShown = false;
documentGridSnapto = false;
horizontalGridlineDivision = 10;
verticalGridlineDivision = 10;
horizontalGridSubdivision = 5;
verticalGridSubdivision = 5;
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baselineStart = 0;
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baselineColor = 1766614898;
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BaselineGridRelativeOption.TOP_OF_MARGIN_OF_BASELINE_GRID_RELATIVE_OPTION The baseline grid offset zero point is at the top page margin. 1162766189 = 'ENgm'
BaselineGridRelativeOption.TOP_OF_PAGE_OF_BASELINE_GRID_RELATIVE_OPTION The baseline grid offset zero point is at the top of the page. 1162766196 = 'ENgt'
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with (app.guidePreferences) {
// guidesInBack = false;
// guidesShown = true;
// guidesLocked = false;
// guidesSnapto = true;
// rulerGuidesViewThreshold = 5;
rulerGuidesColor = 1766289266;
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with (app.layoutAdjustmentPreferences) {
// enableLayoutAdjustment = false;
// snapZone = 0.25;
// allowGraphicsToResize = true;
// allowRulerGuidesToMove = true;
// ignoreRulerGuideAlignments = false;
// ignoreObjectOrLayerLocks = true;
} // (end of layoutAdjustmentPreferences)

with (app.marginPreferences) {
// columnCount = 1;
columnGutter = 4;
top = 5 ;
bottom = 5;
left = 5;
right = 5;
} // (end of marginPreferences)

with (app.pageItemDefaults) {
with (transparencySettings)
with (blendingSettings)
// blendMode = 1852797549;
// opacity = 100;
// knockoutGroup = false;
// isolateBlending = false;
} // (end of blendingSettings)
with (dropShadowSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// xOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// yOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 1.76388888888889;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// noise = 0;
// spread = 0;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// knockedOut = true;
// honorOtherEffects = false;
// distance = 3.49232182486023;
// angle = 135;
} // (end of dropShadowSettings)
with (featherSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// width = 3.175;
// cornerType = 2020623203;
// noise = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
} // (end of featherSettings)
with (innerShadowSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// noise = 0;
// xOffset = 1.23472222222222;
// yOffset = 2.13860162212324;
} // (end of innerShadowSettings)
with (outerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
} // (end of outerGlowSettings)
with (innerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// source = 2020618594;
} // (end of innerGlowSettings)
with (bevelAndEmbossSettings)
// applied = false;
// style = 2020618850;
// technique = 2020619105;
// depth = 100;
// direction = 1181971566;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// soften = 0;
// angle = 120;
// altitude = 30;
// useGlobalLight = false;
with (highlightColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of highlightColor)
// highlightBlendMode = 2020625763;
// highlightOpacity = 75;
with (shadowColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of shadowColor)
// shadowBlendMode = 2020625762;
// shadowOpacity = 75;
} // (end of bevelAndEmbossSettings)
with (satinSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 50;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// invertEffect = false;
} // (end of satinSettings)
with (directionalFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// leftWidth = 0;
// rightWidth = 0;
// topWidth = 0;
// bottomWidth = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// angle = 0;
// followShapeMode = 1701721441;
// noise = 0;
} // (end of directionalFeatherSettings)
with (gradientFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// type = 1635282023;
// angle = 0;
// length = 0;
// hiliteAngle = 0;
// hiliteLength = 0;
with (opacityGradientStops)
// length = 0;
} // (end of opacityGradientStops)
} // (end of gradientFeatherSettings)
} // (end of transparencySettings)
with (strokeTransparencySettings)
with (blendingSettings)
// blendMode = 1852797549;
// opacity = 100;
// knockoutGroup = false;
// isolateBlending = false;
} // (end of blendingSettings)
with (dropShadowSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// xOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// yOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 1.76388888888889;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// noise = 0;
// spread = 0;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// knockedOut = true;
// honorOtherEffects = false;
// distance = 3.49232182486023;
// angle = 135;
} // (end of dropShadowSettings)
with (featherSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// width = 3.175;
// cornerType = 2020623203;
// noise = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
} // (end of featherSettings)
with (innerShadowSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// noise = 0;
// xOffset = 1.23472222222222;
// yOffset = 2.13860162212324;
} // (end of innerShadowSettings)
with (outerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
} // (end of outerGlowSettings)
with (innerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// source = 2020618594;
} // (end of innerGlowSettings)
with (bevelAndEmbossSettings)
// applied = false;
// style = 2020618850;
// technique = 2020619105;
// depth = 100;
// direction = 1181971566;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// soften = 0;
// angle = 120;
// altitude = 30;
// useGlobalLight = false;
with (highlightColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of highlightColor)
// highlightBlendMode = 2020625763;
// highlightOpacity = 75;
with (shadowColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of shadowColor)
// shadowBlendMode = 2020625762;
// shadowOpacity = 75;
} // (end of bevelAndEmbossSettings)
with (satinSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 50;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// invertEffect = false;
} // (end of satinSettings)
with (directionalFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// leftWidth = 0;
// rightWidth = 0;
// topWidth = 0;
// bottomWidth = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// angle = 0;
// followShapeMode = 1701721441;
// noise = 0;
} // (end of directionalFeatherSettings)
with (gradientFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// type = 1635282023;
// angle = 0;
// length = 0;
// hiliteAngle = 0;
// hiliteLength = 0;
with (opacityGradientStops)
// length = 0;
} // (end of opacityGradientStops)
} // (end of gradientFeatherSettings)
} // (end of strokeTransparencySettings)
with (fillTransparencySettings)
with (blendingSettings)
// blendMode = 1852797549;
// opacity = 100;
// knockoutGroup = false;
// isolateBlending = false;
} // (end of blendingSettings)
with (dropShadowSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// xOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// yOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 1.76388888888889;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// noise = 0;
// spread = 0;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// knockedOut = true;
// honorOtherEffects = false;
// distance = 3.49232182486023;
// angle = 135;
} // (end of dropShadowSettings)
with (featherSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// width = 3.175;
// cornerType = 2020623203;
// noise = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
} // (end of featherSettings)
with (innerShadowSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// noise = 0;
// xOffset = 1.23472222222222;
// yOffset = 2.13860162212324;
} // (end of innerShadowSettings)
with (outerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
} // (end of outerGlowSettings)
with (innerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// source = 2020618594;
} // (end of innerGlowSettings)
with (bevelAndEmbossSettings)
// applied = false;
// style = 2020618850;
// technique = 2020619105;
// depth = 100;
// direction = 1181971566;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// soften = 0;
// angle = 120;
// altitude = 30;
// useGlobalLight = false;
with (highlightColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of highlightColor)
// highlightBlendMode = 2020625763;
// highlightOpacity = 75;
with (shadowColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of shadowColor)
// shadowBlendMode = 2020625762;
// shadowOpacity = 75;
} // (end of bevelAndEmbossSettings)
with (satinSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 50;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// invertEffect = false;
} // (end of satinSettings)
with (directionalFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// leftWidth = 0;
// rightWidth = 0;
// topWidth = 0;
// bottomWidth = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// angle = 0;
// followShapeMode = 1701721441;
// noise = 0;
} // (end of directionalFeatherSettings)
with (gradientFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// type = 1635282023;
// angle = 0;
// length = 0;
// hiliteAngle = 0;
// hiliteLength = 0;
with (opacityGradientStops)
// length = 0;
} // (end of opacityGradientStops)
} // (end of gradientFeatherSettings)
} // (end of fillTransparencySettings)
with (contentTransparencySettings)
with (blendingSettings)
// blendMode = 1852797549;
// opacity = 100;
// knockoutGroup = false;
// isolateBlending = false;
} // (end of blendingSettings)
with (dropShadowSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// xOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// yOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 1.76388888888889;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// noise = 0;
// spread = 0;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// knockedOut = true;
// honorOtherEffects = false;
// distance = 3.49232182486023;
// angle = 135;
} // (end of dropShadowSettings)
with (featherSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// width = 3.175;
// cornerType = 2020623203;
// noise = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
} // (end of featherSettings)
with (innerShadowSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// noise = 0;
// xOffset = 1.23472222222222;
// yOffset = 2.13860162212324;
} // (end of innerShadowSettings)
with (outerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
} // (end of outerGlowSettings)
with (innerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// source = 2020618594;
} // (end of innerGlowSettings)
with (bevelAndEmbossSettings)
// applied = false;
// style = 2020618850;
// technique = 2020619105;
// depth = 100;
// direction = 1181971566;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// soften = 0;
// angle = 120;
// altitude = 30;
// useGlobalLight = false;
with (highlightColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of highlightColor)
// highlightBlendMode = 2020625763;
// highlightOpacity = 75;
with (shadowColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of shadowColor)
// shadowBlendMode = 2020625762;
// shadowOpacity = 75;
} // (end of bevelAndEmbossSettings)
with (satinSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 50;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// invertEffect = false;
} // (end of satinSettings)
with (directionalFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// leftWidth = 0;
// rightWidth = 0;
// topWidth = 0;
// bottomWidth = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// angle = 0;
// followShapeMode = 1701721441;
// noise = 0;
} // (end of directionalFeatherSettings)
with (gradientFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// type = 1635282023;
// angle = 0;
// length = 0;
// hiliteAngle = 0;
// hiliteLength = 0;
with (opacityGradientStops)
// length = 0;
} // (end of opacityGradientStops)
} // (end of gradientFeatherSettings)
} // (end of contentTransparencySettings)
// appliedGraphicObjectStyle = "[Basic Graphics Frame]";
// appliedTextObjectStyle = "[Basic Text Frame]";
// appliedGridObjectStyle = "[Basic Grid]";
with (fillColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of fillColor)
// fillTint = -1;
// strokeWeight = 1;
// miterLimit = 4;
// endCap = 1650680176;
// endJoin = 1835691886;
with (strokeType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of strokeType)
// leftLineEnd = 1852796517;
// rightLineEnd = 1852796517;
with (strokeColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of strokeColor)
// strokeTint = -1;
// cornerOption = 1852796517;
// cornerRadius = 4.23333333333333;
// gradientFillAngle = 0;
// gradientStrokeAngle = 0;
with (gapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of gapColor)
// gapTint = -1;
// strokeAlignment = 1936998723;
// nonprinting = false;
} // (end of pageItemDefaults)

with (app.pasteboardPreferences) {
minimumSpaceAboveAndBelow = 10;
// previewBackgroundColor = 1766614898;
// bleedGuideColor = 1766222181;
// slugGuideColor = 1766285932;
} // (end of pasteboardPreferences)

with (app.preflightOptions) {
// preflightScope = 1885552976;
// preflightWhichLayers = 1886148176;
// preflightIncludeObjectsOnPasteboard = false;
// preflightIncludeNonprintingObjects = false;
// preflightProfilePolicy = 1885619533;
// preflightWorkingProfile = "[Basic]";
preflightOff = true;
} // (end of preflightOptions)

with (app.printPreferences) {
// printer = "C250";
// ppd = "KONICA MINOLTA C250 PS/P";
// copies = 1;
// reverseOrder = false;
// sequence = 1634495520;
// printSpreads = false;
// printMasterPages = false;
// printNonprinting = false;
// printBlankPages = false;
// printGuidesGrids = false;
// paperSize = "A4";
// printPageOrientation = 1751738216;
// pagePosition = 1668183118;
// scaleMode = 1935898745;
// scaleWidth = 100;
// scaleHeight = 100;
// scaleProportional = true;
// thumbnails = false;
// tile = false;
// allPrinterMarks = false;
// cropMarks = false;
// bleedMarks = false;
// registrationMarks = false;
// colorBars = false;
// pageInformationMarks = false;
// markType = 1147563124;
// markLineWeight = 842346608;
// markOffset = 2.11666666666667;
// useDocumentBleedToPrint = true;
// bleedTop = 0;
// bleedBottom = 0;
// bleedInside = 0;
// bleedOutside = 0;
// includeSlugToPrint = false;
// colorOutput = 1668105035;
// textAsBlack = false;
// flip = 1852796517;
// screening = 1147563124;
// simulateOverprint = false;
// sendImageData = 1869640563;
// fontDownloading = 2003332197;
// downloadPPDFonts = true;
// postscriptLevel = 1347636275;
// dataFormat = 1095975753;
// sourceSpace = 1967419235;
// profile = 1967419235;
// opiImageReplacement = false;
// omitEPS = false;
// omitPDF = false;
// omitBitmaps = false;
// flattenerPresetName = "[Medium Resolution]";
// ignoreSpreadOverrides = false;
// pageRange = 1886547553;
// bleedChain = false;
// preserveColorNumbers = true;
// printLayers = 1987080780;
// activePrinterPreset = 1147563124;
} // (end of printPreferences)

with (app.storyPreferences) {
// opticalMarginAlignment = false;
opticalMarginSize = 10;
// storyDirection = 1278366308;
} // (end of storyPreferences)

with (app.textDefaults) {
// alignToBaseline = false;
// firstLineIndent = 0;
// leftIndent = 0;
// rightIndent = 0;
// spaceBefore = 0;
// spaceAfter = 0;
// balanceRaggedLines = 1114394470;
// justification = 1818584692;
// singleWordJustification = 1718971500;
// autoLeading = 120;
// dropCapLines = 0;
// dropCapCharacters = 0;
// keepLinesTogether = false;
// keepAllLinesTogether = false;
// keepWithNext = 0;
// keepFirstLines = 2;
// keepLastLines = 2;
// startParagraph = 1851945579;
// composer = "Adobe Paragraph Composer";
minimumWordSpacing = 90;
maximumWordSpacing = 120;
// desiredWordSpacing = 100;
minimumLetterSpacing = -1;
maximumLetterSpacing = 1;
// desiredLetterSpacing = 0;
minimumGlyphScaling = 99;
maximumGlyphScaling = 101;
// desiredGlyphScaling = 100;
// ruleAbove = false;
// ruleAboveOverprint = false;
ruleAboveLineWeight = 0.3;
// ruleAboveTint = -1;
// ruleAboveOffset = 0;
// ruleAboveLeftIndent = 0;
// ruleAboveRightIndent = 0;
// ruleAboveWidth = 1265399652;
// ruleAboveColor = "Text Color";
with (ruleAboveGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of ruleAboveGapColor)
// ruleAboveGapTint = -1;
// ruleAboveGapOverprint = false;
with (ruleAboveType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of ruleAboveType)
// ruleBelow = false;
ruleBelowLineWeight = 0.3;
// ruleBelowTint = -1;
// ruleBelowOffset = 0;
// ruleBelowLeftIndent = 0;
// ruleBelowRightIndent = 0;
// ruleBelowWidth = 1265399652;
// ruleBelowColor = "Text Color";
with (ruleBelowGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of ruleBelowGapColor)
// ruleBelowGapTint = -1;
with (ruleBelowType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of ruleBelowType)
// hyphenateCapitalizedWords = true;
// hyphenation = true;
// hyphenateBeforeLast = 2;
// hyphenateAfterFirst = 2;
// hyphenateWordsLongerThan = 5;
// hyphenateLadderLimit = 3;
// hyphenationZone = 12.7;
// hyphenWeight = 5;
// dropCapStyle = "[None]";
// lastLineIndent = 0;
hyphenateLastWord = false;
// ruleBelowOverprint = false;
// ruleBelowGapOverprint = false;
// dropcapDetail = 0;
hyphenateAcrossColumns = false;
// keepRuleAboveInFrame = false;
// ignoreEdgeAlignment = false;
// paragraphDirection = 1278366308;
// paragraphJustification = 1886020709;
// appliedParagraphStyle = "[Basic Paragraph]";
// appliedCharacterStyle = "[None]";
with (appliedFont)
// allowEditableEmbedding = false;
// allowOutlines = true;
// allowPDFEmbedding = true;
// allowPrinting = true;
// fontFamily = "Times";
// location = "/System/Library/Fonts/Times.dfont";
// name = "Times Regular";
// postscriptName = "Times-Roman";
// restrictedPrinting = false;
// status = 1718831470;
// fontStyleName = "Regular";
// fontType = 1718899796;
// writingScript = 29;
// fullName = "Times Roman";
// fullNameNative = "Times Roman";
// fontStyleNameNative = "Regular";
// platformName = "Times CE";
// version = "6.0d6e5";
// index = 542;
} // (end of appliedFont)
// fontStyle = "Regular";
// pointSize = 12;
// leading = 1635019116;
// kerningMethod = "Metrics";
// tracking = 0;
// capitalization = 1852797549;
// position = 1852797549;
// underline = false;
// strikeThru = false;
// ligatures = true;
// noBreak = false;
// horizontalScale = 100;
// verticalScale = 100;
// baselineShift = 0;
// skew = 0;
// fillTint = -1;
// strokeTint = -1;
// strokeWeight = 1;
// overprintStroke = false;
// overprintFill = false;
// otfFigureStyle = 1147563124;
// otfOrdinal = false;
// otfFraction = false;
// otfDiscretionaryLigature = false;
// otfTitling = false;
// otfContextualAlternate = true;
// otfSwash = false;
// underlineColor = "Text Color";
with (underlineGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of underlineGapColor)
// underlineTint = -1;
// underlineGapTint = -1;
// underlineOverprint = false;
// underlineGapOverprint = false;
with (underlineType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of underlineType)
// underlineOffset = -9999;
// underlineWeight = -9999;
// strikeThroughColor = "Text Color";
with (strikeThroughGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of strikeThroughGapColor)
// strikeThroughTint = -1;
// strikeThroughGapTint = -1;
// strikeThroughOverprint = false;
// strikeThroughGapOverprint = false;
with (strikeThroughType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of strikeThroughType)
// strikeThroughOffset = -9999;
// strikeThroughWeight = -9999;
with (fillColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of fillColor)
with (strokeColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of strokeColor)
with (appliedLanguage)
// name = "German: 2006 Reform";
singleQuotes = "‚‘";
oubleQuotes = "„“";
hyphenationVendor = "Hunspell";
spellingVendor = "Hunspell";
// thesaurusVendor = "LILO";
// id = 65;
// index = 7;
} // (end of appliedLanguage)
// otfSlashedZero = false;
// otfHistorical = false;
// otfStylisticSets = 0;
// gradientFillLength = -1;
// gradientFillAngle = 0;
// gradientStrokeLength = -1;
// gradientStrokeAngle = 0;
// otfMark = true;
// otfLocale = true;
// positionalForm = 1852796517;
// miterLimit = 4;
// strokeAlignment = 1936998735;
// endJoin = 1835691886;
// otfOverlapSwash = false;
// otfStylisticAlternate = false;
// otfJustificationAlternate = false;
// otfStretchedAlternate = false;
// characterDirection = 1147496036;
// keyboardDirection = 1147496036;
// digitsType = 1684628581;
// kashidas = 1801544805;
// diacriticPosition = 1685090164;
// xOffsetDiacritic = 0;
// yOffsetDiacritic = 0;
// gridAlignFirstLineOnly = false;
// bulletsAndNumberingListType = 1280601711;
with (bulletChar)
// characterType = 1111717231;
// characterValue = 8226;
// bulletsFont = 1635087471;
// bulletsFontStyle = 1635087471;
} // (end of bulletChar)
// bulletsCharacterStyle = "[None]";
// numberingCharacterStyle = "[None]";
// numberingExpression = "^#.^t";
with (numberingRestartPolicies)
// numberingPolicy = 1701732720;
// numberingLowerLevel = 0;
// numberingUpperLevel = 0;
} // (end of numberingRestartPolicies)
// bulletsTextAfter = "^t";
with (appliedNumberingList)
// name = "[Default]";
// continueNumbersAcrossStories = false;
// continueNumbersAcrossDocuments = false;
// id = 61;
// index = 0;
} // (end of appliedNumberingList)
// numberingLevel = 1;
// numberingFormat = "1, 2, 3, 4...";
// numberingContinue = true;
// numberingStartAt = 1;
// numberingApplyRestartPolicy = true;
// bulletsAlignment = 1818584692;
// numberingAlignment = 1818584692;
with (nestedStyles)
// length = 0;
} // (end of nestedStyles)
with (nestedLineStyles)
// length = 0;
} // (end of nestedLineStyles)
with (nestedGrepStyles)
// length = 0;
} // (end of nestedGrepStyles)
with (tabStops)
// length = 0;
} // (end of tabStops)
} // (end of textDefaults)

with (app.textFramePreferences) {
// textColumnCount = 1;
// textColumnGutter = 4;
// textColumnFixedWidth = 50.8;
// useFixedColumnWidth = false;
firstBaselineOffset = 1296255087;
FootnoteFirstBaseline.ASCENT_OFFSET The tallest character in the font falls below the top of the footnote container. 1296135023 = 'MAso'
FootnoteFirstBaseline.CAP_HEIGHT The tops of upper case letters touch the top of the footnote container. 1296255087 = 'MCHo'
FootnoteFirstBaseline.EMBOX_HEIGHT The em box height of the text defines the distance between the baseline of the text and the top of the footnote container. 1296386159 = 'MEHo'
FootnoteFirstBaseline.FIXED_HEIGHT The footnote minimum first baseline offset value defines the distance between the baseline of the text and the top of the footnote container. 1313228911 = 'NFHo'
FootnoteFirstBaseline.LEADING_OFFSET The leading value of the text defines the distance between the baseline of the text and the top of the footnote container. 1296852079 = 'MLdo'
FootnoteFirstBaseline.X_HEIGHT The tops of lower case letters without ascents, such as x, touch the top of the footnote container. 1299728495 = 'MxHo'
// minimumFirstBaselineOffset = 0;
// verticalJustification = 1953460256;
// verticalThreshold = 0;
// ignoreWrap = false;
} // (end of textFramePreferences)

with (app.textPreferences) {
typographersQuotes = true;
// highlightHjViolations = false;
// highlightKeeps = false;
// highlightSubstitutedGlyphs = false;
// highlightCustomSpacing = false;
// highlightSubstitutedFonts = true;
// useOpticalSize = true;
useParagraphLeading = true;
// superscriptSize = 58.3;
// superscriptPosition = 33.3;
// subscriptSize = 58.3;
// subscriptPosition = 33.3;
// smallCap = 70;
leadingKeyIncrement = 1;
baselineShiftKeyIncrement = 1;
kerningKeyIncrement = 10;
// showInvisibles = false;
// justifyTextWraps = false;
// abutTextToTextWrap = true;
// zOrderTextWrap = false;
// linkTextFilesWhenImporting = false;
// enableStylePreviewMode = false;
// smartTextReflow = false;
// addPages = 1634037619;
// limitToMasterTextFrames = true;
// preserveFacingPageSpreads = false;
// deleteEmptyPages = false;
} // (end of textPreferences)

with (app.transparencyPreferences) {
// blendingSpace = 1129142603;
// globalLightAngle = 120;
// globalLightAltitude = 30;
} // (end of transparencyPreferences)

with (app.viewPreferences) {
guideSnaptoZone = 6;
cursorKeyIncrement = 0.1;
// horizontalMeasurementUnits = 2053991795;
// verticalMeasuregmentUnits = 2053991795;
rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.spreadOrigin;
showRulers = false;
showFrameEdges = false;
// pointsPerInch = 72;
// showNotes = true;
} // (end of viewPreferences)

with (app.xmlExportPreferences) {
// viewAfterExport = false;
// preferredBrowser = 1851876449;
// exportFromSelected = false;
// fileEncoding = 1937134904;
// ruby = false;
// excludeDtd = true;
// copyOriginalImages = false;
// copyOptimizedImages = false;
// copyFormattedImages = false;
// imageConversion = 1768059764;
// gifOptionsPalette = 1886151024;
// gifOptionsInterlaced = false;
// jpegOptionsQuality = 1701727588;
// jpegOptionsFormat = 1785751394;
// allowTransform = false;
// transformFilename = 1483961208;
// characterReferences = false;
// exportUntaggedTablesFormat = 1484022643;
} // (end of xmlExportPreferences)

with (app.xmlImportPreferences) {
// importToSelected = true;
// importStyle = 1481469289;
// createLinkToXML = false;
// repeatTextElements = true;
// ignoreUnmatchedIncoming = false;
// importTextIntoTables = true;
// ignoreWhitespace = false;
// removeUnmatchedExisting = false;
// allowTransform = false;
// transformFilename = 1483961208;
// importCALSTables = true;
} // (end of xmlImportPreferences)

with (app.xmlPreferences) {
// defaultStoryTagName = "Story";
// defaultStoryTagColor = 1765962340;
// defaultTableTagName = "Table";
// defaultTableTagColor = 1766089324;
// defaultCellTagName = "Cell";
// defaultCellTagColor = 1766287218;
// defaultImageTagName = "Image";
// defaultImageTagColor = 1767271540;
} // (end of xmlPreferences)

with (app.xmlViewPreferences) {
// showStructure = false;
// showTagMarkers = true;
// showTaggedFrames = false;
// showAttributes = true;
// showTextSnippets = false;
} // (end of xmlViewPreferences)

with (app.chapterNumberPreferences) {
// chapterNumber = 1;
// chapterNumberSource = 1668178800;
// chapterNumberFormat = "1, 2, 3, 4...";
} // (end of chapterNumberPreferences)

with (app.metadataPreferences) {
// creator = "Adobe InDesign 6.0";
// format = "application/x-indesign";
// copyrightStatus = 1433299822;
} // (end of metadataPreferences)

with (app.printBookletOptions) {
// pageRange = 1886547553;
// bookletType = 1110594387;
// spaceBetweenPages = 0;
// bleedBetweenPages = 0;
// creep = 0;
// signatureSize = 1112748084;
// topMargin = 12.7;
// bottomMargin = 12.7;
// leftMargin = 12.7;
// rightMargin = 12.7;
// autoAdjustMargins = true;
// marginsUniformSize = false;
// printBlankPrinterSpreads = true;
} // (end of printBookletOptions)

with (app.printBookletPrintPreferences) {
// printer = "C250";
// ppd = "KONICA MINOLTA C250 PS/P";
// copies = 1;
// reverseOrder = false;
// printNonprinting = false;
// printBlankPages = false;
// printGuidesGrids = false;
// paperSize = "A4";
// printPageOrientation = 1751738216;
// pagePosition = 1668183118;
// scaleMode = 1935898745;
// scaleWidth = 100;
// scaleHeight = 100;
// scaleProportional = true;
// printLayers = 1987080780;
// allPrinterMarks = false;
// cropMarks = false;
// bleedMarks = false;
// registrationMarks = false;
// colorBars = false;
// pageInformationMarks = false;
// markType = 1147563124;
// markLineWeight = 842346608;
// markOffset = 2.11666666666667;
// useDocumentBleedToPrint = true;
// bleedTop = 0;
// bleedBottom = 0;
// bleedInside = 0;
// bleedOutside = 0;
// bleedChain = false;
// colorOutput = 1668105035;
// textAsBlack = false;
// flip = 1852796517;
// screening = 1147563124;
// simulateOverprint = false;
// sendImageData = 1869640563;
// fontDownloading = 2003332197;
// downloadPPDFonts = true;
// postscriptLevel = 1347636275;
// dataFormat = 1095975753;
// sourceSpace = 1967419235;
// profile = 1967419235;
// preserveColorNumbers = true;
// opiImageReplacement = false;
// omitEPS = false;
// omitPDF = false;
// omitBitmaps = false;
// flattenerPresetName = "[Medium Resolution]";
// ignoreSpreadOverrides = false;
// activePrinterPreset = 1147563124;
} // (end of printBookletPrintPreferences)

with (app.inDesignPagesPanel) {
// iconSize = 1886217572;
// masterIconSize = 1886612844;
// verticalView = false;
// masterVerticalView = true;
// resizeBehavior = 1886416230;
// pagesOnTop = false;
//pagesThumbnails = false;
//mastersThumbnails = false;
// transparencyIcons = false;
// transitionsIcons = false;
// rotationIcons = true;
// name = "Pages";
// visible = false;
// index = -1;
} // (end of pagesPanel)
alert("Voreinstellungen eingerichtet.");

Indesign Voreinstellungen/Preferences/Defaults per Skript

Beiträge gesamt: 480

18. Sep 2012, 11:35

gelesen: 15870

Beitrag als Lesezeichen
Noch eine lästige Einstellung: Extras > Inhaltsauswahlwerkzeug (der Donut) und die "Dynamischen Ecken" ausblenden.

with (app.generalPreferences) { 
showContentGrabber  = false;
showLiveCorners = false;
// showMasterPageOverlay = true;
// preventSelectingLockedItems = true;
// objectsMoveWithPage = true;
enableMultiTouchGestures = false;
} // (app.generalPreferences)

Indesign Voreinstellungen/Preferences/Defaults per Skript

Hans Haesler
Beiträge gesamt: 5826

18. Sep 2012, 12:32

gelesen: 15832

Beitrag als Lesezeichen
Hallo Stephan,

auch wenn Du ein Helferlein hattest:
Da warst Du aber schön fleissig! :-)
Herzlichen Dank.

Gruss, Hans

Indesign Voreinstellungen/Preferences/Defaults per Skript

Beiträge gesamt: 480

10. Dez 2012, 19:33

gelesen: 15562

Beitrag als Lesezeichen
Hier die leicht upgedatete Version für ID CS6. Allerdings überhaupt nicht mehr vollständig - nicht mehr bis in die kleinste Einstellmöglichkeit. Habe mir die wichtigste Prefs aus "Whats new in the ID CS6 scripting DOM" PDF von gepickt.

// restoreSettings.jsx    

// DESCRIPTION: Use to quickly apply preferences. I wrote this because i was sick of having to set MY settings over and over again,
// after indesign forced me to revert to Defaults due to the empty panel bug. No garantee for completness
// or funktionality. ATTENTION: this is based on the american default settings for Indesign CS5.
// So be cautious with uncommenting settings - know what you're doing!
// Perhaps some settings will not work for a different language version of ID - yet I myself use it in a german Indesign CS5.5 and it works for me.

// BESCHREIBUNG: Stellt verschiedene Indesign-Settings ein. Nett für den Fall, daß man man mal wieder zu den Defaults zurückmuss
// und dann nicht wieder von Hand alles einstellen will. Es sind fast alle Settings vorhanden aber auskommentiert und können
// bei Bedarf aktiviert werden. ACHTUNG: Basiert auf den amerikanischen Defaulteinstellungen, darum sollten Sie die
// Settings mit Bedacht aktivieren. Leider gibt es keine Setting für das Schnell-Anwenden-Panel.

// Stephan Möbius

#target "InDesign-8.0"
colormanagementUserProfile = "isoCoatedV2_eciRGBV2"; // Enter the name of the Indesign color managment profile that you use.

try {
app.applyWorkspace("Stephan 1 (ein Monitor)");
} catch (e) {app.applyWorkspace();}

try {
} catch (e) { app.applyShortcutSet();}

try {
app.colorSettings.cmsSettings = colormanagementUserProfile;
} catch (e){
with (app.colorSettings) {
cmykPolicy = 1129345124;
ColorSettingsPolicy.COLOR_POLICY_OFF Turns off color management for documents whose profiles do not match the working space. For imported colors, numeric values override color appearance. 1129344870 = 'CPof'
ColorSettingsPolicy.COMBINATION_OF_PRESERVE_AND_SAFE_CMYK Preserves raw color numbers and ignores embedded color profiles. 1129345124 = 'CPpd'
ColorSettingsPolicy.CONVERT_TO_WORKING_SPACE Converts newly opened documents to the current working space. For imported colors, color appearance overrides numeric values. 1129346931 = 'CPws'
ColorSettingsPolicy.PRESERVE_EMBEDDED_PROFILES Preserves embedded color profiles in newly opened documents. 1129345136 = 'CPpp'
enableColorManagement = true;
engine = "Adobe (ACE)";
mismatchAskWhenOpening = true;
mismatchAskWhenPasting = true;
missingAskWhenOpening = true;
rgbPolicy = 1129345136;
ColorSettingsPolicy.COLOR_POLICY_OFF Turns off color management for documents whose profiles do not match the working space. For imported colors, numeric values override color appearance. 1129344870 = 'CPof'
ColorSettingsPolicy.COMBINATION_OF_PRESERVE_AND_SAFE_CMYK Preserves raw color numbers and ignores embedded color profiles. 1129345124 = 'CPpd'
ColorSettingsPolicy.CONVERT_TO_WORKING_SPACE Converts newly opened documents to the current working space. For imported colors, color appearance overrides numeric values. 1129346931 = 'CPws'
ColorSettingsPolicy.PRESERVE_EMBEDDED_PROFILES Preserves embedded color profiles in newly opened documents. 1129345136 = 'CPpp'
useBPC = true;
workingSpaceCMYK = "ISO Coated v2 (ECI)";
workingSpaceRGB = "eciRGB v2 ICCv4";
intent = 1380545123;
DefaultRenderingIntent.ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC Aims to maintain color accuracy at the expense of color relationshps and is suitable for proofing to simulate the output of a particular device. Note: Leaves colors that fall inside the destination gamut unchanged and clips out-of-gamut colors. 1380540771 = 'RIac'
DefaultRenderingIntent.PERCEPTUAL Aims to preserve the visual relationship between colors so they are perceived as natural to the human eye, even though the color values themselves may change. 1380544611 = 'RIpc'
DefaultRenderingIntent.RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC Compares the extreme highlight of the source color space to that of the destination color space and shifts all colors accordingly. Out-of-gamut colors are shifted to the closest reproducible color in the destination color space. Note: Preserves more of the original colors in an image than perceptual rendering intent does. 1380545123 = 'RIrc'
DefaultRenderingIntent.SATURATION Tries to produce vivid colors in an image at the expense of color accuracy. 1380545377 = 'RIsa'

// accurateLABSpots = false;
// idealizedBlackToScreen = true;
// idealizedBlackToExport = true;
} // (end of colorSettings)

// ************ NEW IN INDESIGN CS 6 ****************
with (app.generalPreferences) {
// createLinksOnContentPlace = true;
// customMonitorPpi = 96;
// greekVectorGraphicsOnDrag = false;
// mapStylesOnContentPlace = false;
// previewPages = 1177702503 ; // ALL_PAGES 1886547553, FIRST_10_PAGES 1180192871, FIRST_2_PAGES 1177702503, FIRST_5_PAGES 1177899111, FIRST_PAGE 1700947536
// showConveyor = true;
// useCustomMonitorResolution = false;
// highlightObjectUnderSelectionTool = true;
// preventSelectingLockedItems = true;

// app.documentPreferences.createPrimaryTextFrame = false;

with (app.textFramePreferences) {
// autoSizingReferencePoint = 1668183154;
// 1651467109 // 1668183154 // 1651469413 // 1651470953 // 1818583909 // 1919509349 // 1953456997 // 1953459301 // 1668183154 // 1953460841
// autoSizingType = 1330005536; // 1330005536 // 2003395700 // 1751476583 // 1752070000 // 1752069993 // OFF, HEIGHT_AND_WIDTH, HEIGHT_AND_WIDTH_PROPORTIONALLY, HEIGHT_ONLY, WIDTH_ONLY
// minimumHeightForAutoSizing = 0;
// minimumWidthForAutoSizing = 0;
// textColumnMaxWidth = 0;
// useFlexibleColumnWidth = false;
// useMinimumHeightForAutoSizing = false;
// useMinimumWidthForAutoSizing = false;
// useNoLineBreaksForAutoSizing = false;

with (app.interactivePDFExportPreferences) {
// usePDFStructureForTabOrder = false;

with (app.fontLockingPreferences) {
// fontChangeLocking = false;
// fontInputLocking = false;

with (app.pngExportPreferences) {
// antiAlias = true;
// exportingSpread = false;
// exportResolution = 72;
// pageString = "";
// pngColorSpace = 1666336578; //RGB 1666336578, GRAY 1766290041
// pngExportRange = 1785742657; // EXPORT_ALL 1785742657, EXPORT_RANGE 1785742674
pngQuality = 1701726313; // HIGH 1701726313, LOW 1701727351, MAXIMUM 1701727608, MEDIUM 1701727588
// simulateOverprint = false;
transparentBackground = true;
// useDocumentBleeds = false;

with (app.alignDistributePreferences) {
alignDistributeBounds = 1416587604;
distributeAbsolute = false;
distributeAbsoluteMeasurement = 0;
distributeSpaceAbsolute = false;
distributeSpaceAbsoluteMeasurement = 0;
} // (end of alignDistributePreferences)

with (app.autoCorrectPreferences) {
//autoCorrect = false;
//autoCorrectCapitalizationErrors = false;
} // (end of autoCorrectPreferences)

with (app.clipboardPreferences) {
//preferStyledTextWhenPasting = false;
//preferPDFWhenPasting = false;
//copyPDFToClipboard = true;
//pasteRemembersLayers = true;
//preservePdfClipboardAtQuit = false;
} // (end of clipboardPreferences)

with (app.displayPerformancePreferences) {
defaultDisplaySettings = 1349810544;
ViewDisplaySettings.HIGH_QUALITY Slower performance; displays high-resolution graphics and high-quality transparencies and turns on anti-aliasing. 1346922866 = 'PHir'
ViewDisplaySettings.OPTIMIZED Best performance; grays out graphics and turns off transparency and anti-aliasing. 1349480564 = 'Popt'
ViewDisplaySettings.TYPICAL Moderate performance speed; displays proxy graphics and low-quality transparencies and turns on anti-aliasing. 1349810544 = 'Ptyp'
//ignoreLocalSettings = false;
// persistLocalSettings = false;
} // (end of displayPerformancePreferences)

with (app.epsExportPreferences) {
// bleedBottom = 0;
// bleedInside = 0;
// bleedOutside = 0;
// bleedTop = 0;
// epsColor = 1129142603;
// dataFormat = 1095975753;
with (appliedFlattenerPreset)
// name = "[Medium Resolution]";
// rasterVectorBalance = 75;
// lineArtAndTextResolution = 300;
// gradientAndMeshResolution = 150;
// clipComplexRegions = true;
// convertAllStrokesToOutlines = true;
// convertAllTextToOutlines = false;
// id = 128;
// index = 1;
} // (end of appliedFlattenerPreset)
// fontEmbedding = 1768842098;
// ignoreSpreadOverrides = false;
// omitBitmaps = false;
// omitEPS = false;
// omitPDF = false;
// opiImageReplacement = false;
// pageRange = 1886547553;
// preview = 1164997734;
// postscriptLevel = 1347636274;
// epsSpreads = false;
// imageData = 1853058416;
} // (end of epsExportPreferences)

with (app.epsImportPreferences) {
// opiComments = false;
// epsFrames = false;
// epsProxy = 1699311204;
} // (end of epsImportPreferences)

with (app.excelImportPreferences) {
// sheetIndex = 0;
// alignmentStyle = 1936749171;
// decimalPlaces = 3;
// showHiddenCells = false;
// errorCode = 0;
// tableFormatting = 2020365652;
// useTypographersQuotes = true;
// preserveGraphics = true;
} // (end of excelImportPreferences)

with (app.generalPreferences) {
showContentGrabber  = false;
showLiveCorners = false;
// showMasterPageOverlay = true;
// preventSelectingLockedItems = true;
// objectsMoveWithPage = true;
enableMultiTouchGestures = false;
// toolTips = 1852797549;
ToolTipOptions.FAST Displays tool tips more quickly than normal. 1180791668 = 'Fast'
ToolTipOptions.NONE Turns off tool tips. 1852796517 = 'none'
ToolTipOptions.NORMAL Displays tool tips. 1852797549 = 'norm'
// toolsPanel = 1162109804;
// autoCollapseIconPanels = false;
placeCursorUsesThumbnails = false;
// autoShowHiddenPanels = true;
// useApplicationFrame = false;
// applicationBarShown = false;
// openDocumentsAsTabs = true;
// enableFloatingWindowDocking = true;
// openRecentLength = 10;
// showTransformationValues = true;
// pageNumbering = 1935897710;
PageNumberingOptions.ABSOLUTE Numbers all pages in the document sequentially. 1096971116 = 'Absl'
PageNumberingOptions.SECTION Numbers pages according to page numbering specifications of the section. 1935897710 = 'sctn'
// completeFontDownloadGlyphLimit = 2000;
includePreview = false;
// previewSize = 1701727588;
PreviewSizeOptions.EXTRA_LARGE Extra large preview (1024 x 1024). 1162629234 = 'ELPr'
PreviewSizeOptions.LARGE Large preview (512 x 512). 1281446002 = 'LaPr'
PreviewSizeOptions.MEDIUM Medium preview (256 x 256). 1701727588 = 'enMd'
PreviewSizeOptions.SMALL Small preview (128 x 128). 1399672946 = 'SmPr'
} // (end of generalPreferences)

with (app.grabberPreferences) {
grabberPanning = 1699116368;
PanningTypes.GREEK_IMAGES While scrolling, greeks newly revealed images until the mouse is released; medium quality display with medium performance speed. 1699111248 = 'eFaP'
PanningTypes.GREEK_IMAGES_AND_TEXT While scrolling, greeks newly revealed images and text until the mouse is released; highest quality display with the slowest performance. 1699639120 = 'eNoP'
PanningTypes.NO_GREEKING While scrolling, does not greek images or text; lowest quality display with the fastest performance. 1699116368 = 'eFuP'
} // (end of grabberPreferences)

with (app.imePreferences) {
// inlineInput = true;
} // (end of imePreferences)

with (app.imageIOPreferences) {
// previewResolution = 72;
// applyPhotoshopClippingPath = true;
// allowAutoEmbedding = true;
} // (end of imageIOPreferences)

with (app.imagePreferences) {
// preserveBounds = true;
} // (end of imagePreferences)

with (app.importedPageAttributes) {
// pageNumber = 1;
// importedPageCrop = 1131573315;
CROP_CONTENT Places the page’s bounding box. 1131573315 = ‘CrpC’
CROP_ART Places only the area defined by the PDF author as placeable artwork. 1131573313 = ‘CrpA’
CROP_PDF Places only the area displayed by Acrobat. 1131573328 = ‘CrpP’
CROP_TRIM Places only the area that represents the final trim size of the document. 1131573332 = ‘CrpT’
CROP_BLEED Places only the area that represents clipped content. 1131573314 = ‘CrpB’
CROP_MEDIA Places the area that represents the physical paper size of the original PDF document. 1131573325 = ‘CrpM’
} // (end of importedPageAttributes)

with (app.incopyExportOptions) {
// includeGraphicProxies = true;
// includeAllResources = false;
} // (end of incopyExportOptions)

with (app.jpegExportPreferences) {
exportingSpread = true;
jpegQuality = 1701727351;
PDFJPEGQualityOptions.HIGH Uses high JPEG compression. 1701726313 = 'enHi'
PDFJPEGQualityOptions.LOW Uses low JPEG compression. 1701727351 = 'enLw'
PDFJPEGQualityOptions.MAXIMUM Uses maximum JPEG compression. 1701727608 = 'enMx'
PDFJPEGQualityOptions.MEDIUM Uses medium JPEG compression. 1701727588 = 'enMd'
PDFJPEGQualityOptions.MINIMUM Uses minimum JPEG compression. 1701727598 = 'enMn'
// jpegRenderingStyle = 1785751394;
JPEGOptionsFormat.BASELINE_ENCODING Uses baseline encoding to download the image in one pass. 1785751394 = 'jpgb'
JPEGOptionsFormat.PROGRESSIVE_ENCODING Uses progressive encoding to download the image in a series of passes, with the first pass at low resolution and each successive pass adding resolution to the image. 1785751408 = 'jpgp'
// jpegExportRange = 1785742657;
// resolution = 72;
} // (end of jpegExportPreferences)

with (app.linkingPreferences) {
checkLinksAtOpen = false;
findMissingLinksAtOpen = false;
} // (end of linkingPreferences)

with (app.notePreferences) {
// noteBackgroundColor = 1699168839;
// noteColor = 1766290030;
// showNoteTips = true;
// findAndReplaceNoteContents = true;
// spellCheckNotes = true;
// noteColorChoices = 1700091203;
} // (end of notePreferences)

with (app.pdfExportPreferences) {
// pageRange = 1886547553;
PageRange.ALL_PAGES Print or export all pages in the document. 1886547553 = 'prna'
PageRange.SELECTED_ITEMS Export selected items in the document. 1886547571 = 'prns'
// useSecurity = false;
// viewPDF = false;
// subsetFontsBelow = 100;
// pdfColorSpace = 1666336578;
// includeICCProfiles = 1229144929;
// omitEPS = false;
// omitPDF = false;
// omitBitmaps = false;
// cropImagesToFrames = true;
// generateThumbnails = false;
// optimizePDF = true;
// includeStructure = false;
// acrobatCompatibility = 1097020720;
// pdfDestinationProfile = "sRGB IEC61966-2.1";
// pdfXProfile = 1967419235;
// includeHyperlinks = false;
// includeBookmarks = false;
// exportNonprintingObjects = false;
// exportGuidesAndGrids = false;
// exportLayers = false;
// contentToEmbed = 1164791635;
// standardsCompliance = 1852796517;
// interactiveElements = false;
// colorBitmapSampling = 1650742125;
// colorBitmapSamplingDPI = 150;
// colorBitmapCompression = 1631808880;
// colorBitmapQuality = 1701727588;
// grayscaleBitmapSampling = 1650742125;
// grayscaleBitmapSamplingDPI = 150;
// grayscaleBitmapCompression = 1631808880;
// grayscaleBitmapQuality = 1701727588;
// monochromeBitmapSampling = 1650742125;
// monochromeBitmapSamplingDPI = 300;
// monochromeBitmapCompression = 1128879156;
// compressTextAndLineArt = true;
// thresholdToCompressColor = 225;
// thresholdToCompressGray = 225;
// thresholdToCompressMonochrome = 450;
// colorTileSize = 128;
// grayTileSize = 128;
// compressionType = 1131368047;
// exportReaderSpreads = false;
// pageMarksOffset = 2.11666666666667;
// cropMarks = false;
// pageInformationMarks = false;
// bleedMarks = false;
// colorBars = false;
// registrationMarks = false;
// printerMarkWeight = 842346608;
// bleedTop = 0;
// bleedInside = 0;
// bleedBottom = 0;
// bleedOutside = 0;
// pdfMarkType = 1147563124;
// useDocumentBleedWithPDF = false;
// includeSlugWithPDF = false;
// ocRegistry = "";
// viewJDF = false;
// effectivePDFDestinationProfile = "sRGB IEC61966-2.1";
// effectiveOCRegistry = "";
// effectiveOutputCondition = "FOGRA27";
// effectivePDFXProfile = "Coated FOGRA27 (ISO 12647-2:2004)";
// exportWhichLayers = 1702260844;
} // (end of pdfExportPreferences)

with (app.pdfPlacePreferences) {
// pageNumber = 1;
// pdfCrop = 1131573315;
CROP_CONTENT Places the page’s bounding box. 1131573315 = ‘CrpC’
CROP_ART Places only the area defined by the PDF author as placeable artwork. 1131573313 = ‘CrpA’
CROP_PDF Places only the area displayed by Acrobat. 1131573328 = ‘CrpP’
CROP_TRIM Places only the area that represents the final trim size of the document. 1131573332 = ‘CrpT’
CROP_BLEED Places only the area that represents clipped content. 1131573314 = ‘CrpB’
CROP_MEDIA Places the area that represents the physical paper size of the original PDF document. 1131573325 = ‘CrpM’
// transparentBackground = true;
} // (end of pdfPlacePreferences)

with (app.polygonPreferences) {
// insetPercentage = 0;
// numberOfSides = 6;
} // (end of polygonPreferences)

with (app.preflightBookOptions) {
// preflightWhichLayers = 1886148176;
PreflightLayerOptions.PREFLIGHT_ALL_LAYERS Preflight all layers 1886142796 = 'plAL'
PreflightLayerOptions.PREFLIGHT_VISIBLE_LAYERS Preflight visible layers 1886148172 = 'plVL'
PreflightLayerOptions.PREFLIGHT_VISIBLE_PRINTABLE_LAYERS Preflight visible and printable layers 1886148176 = 'plVP'
// preflightIncludeObjectsOnPasteboard = false;
// preflightIncludeNonprintingObjects = false;
// preflightProfilePolicy = 1885622342;
PreflightProfileOptions.USE_EMBEDDED_PROFILE Preflight using the embedded profile. 1885619533 = 'pdEM'
PreflightProfileOptions.USE_WORKING_PROFILE Preflight using working profile. 1885622342 = 'pdPF'
// preflightWorkingProfile = "[Basic]";
} // (end of preflightBookOptions)

with (app.swfExportPreferences) {
// fitMethod = 1684304739;
// fitOption = 1718906726;
// fitScale = 100;
// pageRange = 1886547553;
// dynamicDocumentExportReaderSpreads = true;
// rasterizePages = false;
// generateHTML = true;
// textExportPolicy = 1952804972;
// includeButtons = true;
// includeHyperlinks = true;
// includePageTransitions = true;
// includeInteractivePageCurl = true;
// rasterCompression = 1936875875;
// jpegQualityOptions = 1701727588;
// curveQuality = 1701727588;
// rasterResolution = 72;
// resamplingType = 1650742125;
// resamplingThreshold = 72;
// useNetworkAccess = false;
// viewSWFAfterExporting = true;
} // (end of swfExportPreferences)

with (app.scriptPreferences) {
// version = 6.0;
userInteractionLevel = 1699311169;
NEVER_INTERACT The script does not display any dialogs or alerts. 1699640946 = ‘eNvr’
INTERACT_WITH_ALL The script displays all dialogs and alerts. 1699311169 = ‘eInA’
INTERACT_WITH_ALERTS Displays alerts but not dialogs. 1699311170 = ‘eInB’
// enableRedraw = true;
} // (end of scriptPreferences)

with (app.smartGuidePreferences) {
enabled = false;
// alignToObjectEdges = true;
// alignToObjectCenter = true;
// smartDimensions = true;
// smartSpacing = true;
// guideColor = 1766286439;
} // (end of smartGuidePreferences)

with (app.spellPreferences) {
// dynamicSpellCheck = false;
// misspelledWordColor = 1767007588;
// repeatedWordColor = 1766290030;
// uncapitalizedWordColor = 1766290030;
// uncapitalizedSentenceColor = 1766290030;
// checkMisspelledWords = true;
// checkRepeatedWords = true;
// checkCapitalizedWords = true;
// checkCapitalizedSentences = true;
} // (end of spellPreferences)

with (app.strokeFillProxySettings) {
// active = 1181314156;
// target = 1181696340;
with (fillColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of fillColor)
with (strokeColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of strokeColor)
} // (end of strokeFillProxySettings)

with (app.taggedTextExportPreferences) {
// characterSet = 1095975753;
// tagForm = 1414821474;
} // (end of taggedTextExportPreferences)

with (app.taggedTextImportPreferences) {
// useTypographersQuotes = true;
// removeTextFormatting = false;
// styleConflict = 1414819940;
} // (end of taggedTextImportPreferences)

with (app.textEditingPreferences) {
dragAndDropTextInLayout = true;
allowDragAndDropTextInStory = true;
// tripleClickSelectsLine = true;
// smartCutAndPaste = true;
singleClickConvertsFramesToTextFrames = false;
} // (end of textEditingPreferences)

with (app.textExportPreferences) {
characterSet = 1937134904;
TextExportCharacterSet.DEFAULT_PLATFORM The default character set for the platform. 1415865972 = 'Tdft'
TextExportCharacterSet.UTF16 The Unicode UTF16 character set. 1937125686 = 'sv16'
TextExportCharacterSet.UTF8 The Unicode UTF8 character set. 1937134904 = 'svU8'
// platform = 1296130931;
} // (end of textExportPreferences)

with (app.textImportPreferences) {
useTypographersQuotes = true;
// characterSet = 1416450669;
TextImportCharacterSet.ANSI The ANSI character set. 1095652169 = 'ANSI'
TextImportCharacterSet.CENTRALEUROPEAN_ISO The Central European (ISO) character set. 1416184645 = 'TiCE'
TextImportCharacterSet.CHINESE_BIG_5 The Chinese Big 5 character set. 1415799349 = 'Tcb5'
TextImportCharacterSet.CYRILLIC_CP855 The Cyrillic (CP855) character set. 1415788597 = 'Tc85'
TextImportCharacterSet.CYRILLIC_ISO The Cyrillic (ISO) character set. 1416184697 = 'TiCy'
TextImportCharacterSet.CYRILLIC_KOI8R The Cyrillic (KOI8R) character set. 1416312946 = 'Tk8r'
TextImportCharacterSet.CYRILLIC_KOI8U The Cyrillic (KOI8U) character set. 1416312949 = 'Tk8u'
TextImportCharacterSet.DOS_LATIN_2 The DOS Latin 2 character set. 1415867442 = 'Tdl2'
TextImportCharacterSet.GB18030 The GB18030 character set. 1416061491 = 'Tgb3'
TextImportCharacterSet.GB2312 The GB2312 character set. 1416061535 = 'Tgb_'
TextImportCharacterSet.GREEK_ISO The Greek (ISO) character set. 1416185707 = 'TiGk'
TextImportCharacterSet.KSC5601 The KSC5601 character set. 1414230883 = 'TKsc'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_CE The Macintosh CE (Cantral European) character set. 1416446789 = 'TmCE'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_CROATIAN The Macintosh Croatian character set. 1416446834 = 'TmCr'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_CYRILLIC The Macintosh Cyrillic character set. 1416446841 = 'TmCy'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_GREEK The Macintosh Greek character set. 1416447858 = 'TmGr'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_ICELANDIC The Macintosh Icelandic character set. 1416448355 = 'TmIc'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_ROMAN The Macintosh Roman character set. 1416450669 = 'TmRm'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_ROMANIAN The Macintosh Romanian character set. 1416450671 = 'TmRo'
TextImportCharacterSet.MACINTOSH_TURKISH The Macintosh Turkish character set. 1416451186 = 'TmTr'
TextImportCharacterSet.RECOMMENDSHIFTJIS83PV The Recommend:Shift_JIS 83pv character set. 1412969328 = 'T83p'
TextImportCharacterSet.SHIFTJIS90MS The Shift_JIS 90ms character set. 1413034093 = 'T90m'
TextImportCharacterSet.SHIFTJIS90PV The Shift_JIS 90pv character set. 1413034096 = 'T90p'
TextImportCharacterSet.TURKISH_ISO The Turkish (ISO) character set. 1416189045 = 'TiTu'
TextImportCharacterSet.UTF16 The Unicode UTF16 character set. 1937125686 = 'sv16'
TextImportCharacterSet.UTF8 The Unicode UTF8 character set. 1937134904 = 'svU8'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_BALTIC Tthe Windows Baltic character set. 1417101940 = 'TwBt'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_CE The Windows CE (Central European) character set. 1417102149 = 'TwCE'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_CYRILLIC The Windows Cyrillic character set. 1417102201 = 'TwCy'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_EE The Windows EE (Eastern European) character set. 1417102661 = 'TwEE'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_GREEK The Windows Greek character set. 1417103218 = 'TwGr'
TextImportCharacterSet.WINDOWS_TURKISH The Windows Turkish character set. 1417106549 = 'TwTu'
// platform = 1466852474;
// dictionary = "Deutsch: Rechtschreibreform 2006";
// stripReturnsBetweenLines = false;
// stripReturnsBetweenParagraphs = false;
// convertSpacesIntoTabs = false;
// spacesIntoTabsCount = 3;
} // (end of textImportPreferences)

with (app.transformPreferences) {
// dimensionsIncludeStrokeWeight = true;
// transformationsAreTotals = true;
// showContentOffset = true;
// whenScaling = 1934192243;
WhenScalingOptions.ADJUST_SCALING_PERCENTAGE Adjust the scaling percentage of the item's transform 1934587252 = 'sOut'
WhenScalingOptions.APPLY_TO_CONTENT Apply scaling to the item's content 1934192243 = 'sIns'
// adjustStrokeWeightWhenScaling = true;
} // (end of transformPreferences)

with (app.wordRTFImportPreferences) {
// convertPageBreaks = 1397778242;
importIndex = false;
importTOC = false;
removeFormatting = true;
// convertTablesTo = 1396921684;
// preserveLocalOverrides = false;
importUnusedStyles = false;
// resolveCharacterStyleClash = 2001879877;
// resolveParagraphStyleClash = 2001879877;
// preserveGraphics = true;
// preserveTrackChanges = true;
importFootnotes = false;
importEndnotes = false;
useTypographersQuotes = true;
// convertBulletsAndNumbersToText = false;
} // (end of wordRTFImportPreferences)

with (app.xflExportPreferences) {
// fitMethod = 1684304739;
// fitOption = 1718906726;
// fitScale = 100;
// pageRange = 1886547553;
// dynamicDocumentExportReaderSpreads = true;
// rasterizePages = false;
// flattenTransparency = false;
// textExportPolicy = 1952804972;
// rasterFormat = 1397059687;
// jpegQualityOptions = 1701727588;
// rasterResolution = 72;
// resamplingType = 1650742125;
// resamplingThreshold = 72;
} // (end of xflExportPreferences)

with (app.anchoredObjectDefaults) {
// anchorContent = 1970168179;
UNASSIGNED No content type assigned. 1970168179 = ‘unas’
GRAPHIC_TYPE The frame is a graphics frame. 1735553140 = ‘grpt’
TEXT_TYPE The frame is a text frame. 1952412773 = ‘t_te’
// initialAnchorHeight = 25.4;
// initialAnchorWidth = 25.4;
// anchoredParagraphStyle = "[No Paragraph Style]";
// anchoredObjectStyle = "[None]";
} // (end of anchoredObjectDefaults)

with (app.anchoredObjectSettings) {
// anchoredPosition = 1095716969;
// spineRelative = false;
// lockPosition = false;
// pinPosition = true;
// anchorPoint = 1095656050;
// horizontalAlignment = 1818584692;
// horizontalReferencePoint = 1954051174;
// verticalAlignment = 1953460256;
// verticalReferencePoint = 1096180321;
// anchorXoffset = 0;
// anchorYoffset = 0;
// anchorSpaceAbove = 0;
} // (end of anchoredObjectSettings)

with (app.baselineFrameGridOptions) {
// useCustomBaselineFrameGrid = false;
// startingOffsetForBaselineFrameGrid = 0;
// baselineFrameGridRelativeOption = 1163161449;
// baselineFrameGridIncrement = 4.23333333333333;
baselineFrameGridColor = 1766614898;
} // (end of baselineFrameGridOptions)

with (app.conditionalTextPreferences) {
showConditionIndicators = 1698908520;
ConditionIndicatorMode.HIDE_INDICATORS Conditions indicators hide. 1698908520 = 'eCIh'
ConditionIndicatorMode.SHOW_AND_PRINT_INDICATORS Conditions indicators show and print. 1698908528 = 'eCIp'
ConditionIndicatorMode.SHOW_INDICATORS Condition indicators show only. 1698908531 = 'eCIs'
} // (end of conditionalTextPreferences)

with (app.dataMergeOptions) {
// fittingOption = 1684885618;
// centerImage = false;
// linkImages = true;
// removeBlankLines = false;
// createNewDocument = false;
// documentSize = 50;
} // (end of dataMergeOptions)

with (app.dictionaryPreferences) {
// composition = 1651471464;
// mergeUserDictionary = false;
// recomposeWhenChanged = true;
} // (end of dictionaryPreferences)

with (app.documentPreferences) {
pageHeight = 297;
pageWidth = 210;
// pageOrientation = 1751738216;
columnGuideColor = 1766286439;
marginGuideColor = 1766286439;
// pagesPerDocument = 1;
// facingPages = true;
// documentBleedTopOffset = 0;
// documentBleedBottomOffset = 0;
// documentBleedInsideOrLeftOffset = 0;
// documentBleedOutsideOrRightOffset = 0;
// documentBleedUniformSize = true;
// slugTopOffset = 0;
// slugBottomOffset = 0;
// slugInsideOrLeftOffset = 0;
// slugRightOrOutsideOffset = 0;
// documentSlugUniformSize = false;
// preserveLayoutWhenShuffling = true;
// allowPageShuffle = true;
// overprintBlack = true;
// columnGuideLocked = true;
// masterTextFrame = false;
// pageSize = "A4";
// pageBinding = 1819570786;
// columnDirection = 1752134266;
// snippetImportUsesOriginalLocation = false;
} // (end of documentPreferences)

with (app.exportForWebPreferences) {
// copyFormattedImages = false;
// copyOptimizedImages = false;
// copyOriginalImages = false;
// imageConversion = 1768059764;
// gifOptionsPalette = 1886151024;
// gifOptionsInterlaced = false;
// jpegOptionsQuality = 1701727588;
// jpegOptionsFormat = 1785751394;
} // (end of exportForWebPreferences)

with (app.footnoteOptions) {
// footnoteNumberingStyle = 1298231906;
// startAt = 1;
// restartNumbering = 1180988019;
// showPrefixSuffix = 1181774702;
// footnoteTextStyle = "[Basic Paragraph]";
// footnoteMarkerStyle = "[None]";
// markerPositioning = 1181569904;
// separatorText = " ";
// spaceBetween = 0;
// spacer = 0;
// footnoteFirstBaselineOffset = 1296852079;
// footnoteMinimumFirstBaselineOffset = 0;
// eosPlacement = false;
// noSplitting = false;
// ruleOn = true;
with (ruleType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of ruleType)
// ruleLineWeight = 1;
with (ruleColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of ruleColor)
with (ruleGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of ruleGapColor)
// ruleTint = 100;
// ruleGapTint = 100;
// ruleGapOverprint = false;
// ruleOverprint = false;
// ruleLeftIndent = 0;
// ruleWidth = 25.4;
// ruleOffset = 0;
// continuingRuleOn = true;
with (continuingRuleType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of continuingRuleType)
// continuingRuleLineWeight = 1;
with (continuingRuleColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of continuingRuleColor)
with (continuingRuleGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of continuingRuleGapColor)
// continuingRuleTint = 100;
// continuingRuleGapTint = 100;
// continuingRuleOverprint = false;
// continuingRuleGapOverprint = false;
// continuingRuleLeftIndent = 0;
// continuingRuleWidth = 101.6;
// continuingRuleOffset = 0;
} // (end of footnoteOptions)

with (app.galleyPreferences) {
// backgroundColor = 1767336052;
// blinkCursor = true;
// cursorType = 1699968100;
// smoothText = true;
// textColor = 1765960811;
// showDepthRuler = true;
// antiAliasType = 1732527186;
// showParagraphStyleNames = true;
// lineSpacingValue = 1936282480;
// displayFont = "LetterGothicStd";
// displayFontSize = 4.23333333333333;
// infoColumnWidth = 47.9777777777778;
// showInfoColumn = true;
// showParagraphBreakMarks = false;
} // (end of galleyPreferences)

with (app.gridPreferences) {
documentGridShown = false;
documentGridSnapto = false;
horizontalGridlineDivision = 10;
verticalGridlineDivision = 10;
horizontalGridSubdivision = 5;
verticalGridSubdivision = 5;
// gridColor = 1766614898;
// gridsInBack = true;
// baselineGridShown = false;
baselineStart = 0;
// baselineDivision = 4.23333333333333;
// baselineViewThreshold = 75;
baselineColor = 1766614898;
// baselineGridRelativeOption = 1162766196;
BaselineGridRelativeOption.TOP_OF_MARGIN_OF_BASELINE_GRID_RELATIVE_OPTION The baseline grid offset zero point is at the top page margin. 1162766189 = 'ENgm'
BaselineGridRelativeOption.TOP_OF_PAGE_OF_BASELINE_GRID_RELATIVE_OPTION The baseline grid offset zero point is at the top of the page. 1162766196 = 'ENgt'
} // (end of gridPreferences)

with (app.guidePreferences) {
// guidesInBack = false;
// guidesShown = true;
// guidesLocked = false;
// guidesSnapto = true;
// rulerGuidesViewThreshold = 5;
rulerGuidesColor = 1766289266;
} // (end of guidePreferences)

with (app.layoutAdjustmentPreferences) {
// enableLayoutAdjustment = false;
// snapZone = 0.25;
// allowGraphicsToResize = true;
// allowRulerGuidesToMove = true;
// ignoreRulerGuideAlignments = false;
// ignoreObjectOrLayerLocks = true;
} // (end of layoutAdjustmentPreferences)

with (app.marginPreferences) {
// columnCount = 1;
columnGutter = 4;
top = 5 ;
bottom = 5;
left = 5;
right = 5;
} // (end of marginPreferences)

with (app.pageItemDefaults) {
with (transparencySettings)
with (blendingSettings)
// blendMode = 1852797549;
// opacity = 100;
// knockoutGroup = false;
// isolateBlending = false;
} // (end of blendingSettings)
with (dropShadowSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// xOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// yOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 1.76388888888889;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// noise = 0;
// spread = 0;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// knockedOut = true;
// honorOtherEffects = false;
// distance = 3.49232182486023;
// angle = 135;
} // (end of dropShadowSettings)
with (featherSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// width = 3.175;
// cornerType = 2020623203;
// noise = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
} // (end of featherSettings)
with (innerShadowSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// noise = 0;
// xOffset = 1.23472222222222;
// yOffset = 2.13860162212324;
} // (end of innerShadowSettings)
with (outerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
} // (end of outerGlowSettings)
with (innerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// source = 2020618594;
} // (end of innerGlowSettings)
with (bevelAndEmbossSettings)
// applied = false;
// style = 2020618850;
// technique = 2020619105;
// depth = 100;
// direction = 1181971566;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// soften = 0;
// angle = 120;
// altitude = 30;
// useGlobalLight = false;
with (highlightColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of highlightColor)
// highlightBlendMode = 2020625763;
// highlightOpacity = 75;
with (shadowColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of shadowColor)
// shadowBlendMode = 2020625762;
// shadowOpacity = 75;
} // (end of bevelAndEmbossSettings)
with (satinSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 50;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// invertEffect = false;
} // (end of satinSettings)
with (directionalFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// leftWidth = 0;
// rightWidth = 0;
// topWidth = 0;
// bottomWidth = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// angle = 0;
// followShapeMode = 1701721441;
// noise = 0;
} // (end of directionalFeatherSettings)
with (gradientFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// type = 1635282023;
// angle = 0;
// length = 0;
// hiliteAngle = 0;
// hiliteLength = 0;
with (opacityGradientStops)
// length = 0;
} // (end of opacityGradientStops)
} // (end of gradientFeatherSettings)
} // (end of transparencySettings)
with (strokeTransparencySettings)
with (blendingSettings)
// blendMode = 1852797549;
// opacity = 100;
// knockoutGroup = false;
// isolateBlending = false;
} // (end of blendingSettings)
with (dropShadowSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// xOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// yOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 1.76388888888889;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// noise = 0;
// spread = 0;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// knockedOut = true;
// honorOtherEffects = false;
// distance = 3.49232182486023;
// angle = 135;
} // (end of dropShadowSettings)
with (featherSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// width = 3.175;
// cornerType = 2020623203;
// noise = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
} // (end of featherSettings)
with (innerShadowSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// noise = 0;
// xOffset = 1.23472222222222;
// yOffset = 2.13860162212324;
} // (end of innerShadowSettings)
with (outerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
} // (end of outerGlowSettings)
with (innerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// source = 2020618594;
} // (end of innerGlowSettings)
with (bevelAndEmbossSettings)
// applied = false;
// style = 2020618850;
// technique = 2020619105;
// depth = 100;
// direction = 1181971566;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// soften = 0;
// angle = 120;
// altitude = 30;
// useGlobalLight = false;
with (highlightColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of highlightColor)
// highlightBlendMode = 2020625763;
// highlightOpacity = 75;
with (shadowColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of shadowColor)
// shadowBlendMode = 2020625762;
// shadowOpacity = 75;
} // (end of bevelAndEmbossSettings)
with (satinSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 50;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// invertEffect = false;
} // (end of satinSettings)
with (directionalFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// leftWidth = 0;
// rightWidth = 0;
// topWidth = 0;
// bottomWidth = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// angle = 0;
// followShapeMode = 1701721441;
// noise = 0;
} // (end of directionalFeatherSettings)
with (gradientFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// type = 1635282023;
// angle = 0;
// length = 0;
// hiliteAngle = 0;
// hiliteLength = 0;
with (opacityGradientStops)
// length = 0;
} // (end of opacityGradientStops)
} // (end of gradientFeatherSettings)
} // (end of strokeTransparencySettings)
with (fillTransparencySettings)
with (blendingSettings)
// blendMode = 1852797549;
// opacity = 100;
// knockoutGroup = false;
// isolateBlending = false;
} // (end of blendingSettings)
with (dropShadowSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// xOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// yOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 1.76388888888889;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// noise = 0;
// spread = 0;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// knockedOut = true;
// honorOtherEffects = false;
// distance = 3.49232182486023;
// angle = 135;
} // (end of dropShadowSettings)
with (featherSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// width = 3.175;
// cornerType = 2020623203;
// noise = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
} // (end of featherSettings)
with (innerShadowSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// noise = 0;
// xOffset = 1.23472222222222;
// yOffset = 2.13860162212324;
} // (end of innerShadowSettings)
with (outerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
} // (end of outerGlowSettings)
with (innerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// source = 2020618594;
} // (end of innerGlowSettings)
with (bevelAndEmbossSettings)
// applied = false;
// style = 2020618850;
// technique = 2020619105;
// depth = 100;
// direction = 1181971566;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// soften = 0;
// angle = 120;
// altitude = 30;
// useGlobalLight = false;
with (highlightColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of highlightColor)
// highlightBlendMode = 2020625763;
// highlightOpacity = 75;
with (shadowColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of shadowColor)
// shadowBlendMode = 2020625762;
// shadowOpacity = 75;
} // (end of bevelAndEmbossSettings)
with (satinSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 50;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// invertEffect = false;
} // (end of satinSettings)
with (directionalFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// leftWidth = 0;
// rightWidth = 0;
// topWidth = 0;
// bottomWidth = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// angle = 0;
// followShapeMode = 1701721441;
// noise = 0;
} // (end of directionalFeatherSettings)
with (gradientFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// type = 1635282023;
// angle = 0;
// length = 0;
// hiliteAngle = 0;
// hiliteLength = 0;
with (opacityGradientStops)
// length = 0;
} // (end of opacityGradientStops)
} // (end of gradientFeatherSettings)
} // (end of fillTransparencySettings)
with (contentTransparencySettings)
with (blendingSettings)
// blendMode = 1852797549;
// opacity = 100;
// knockoutGroup = false;
// isolateBlending = false;
} // (end of blendingSettings)
with (dropShadowSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// xOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// yOffset = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 1.76388888888889;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// noise = 0;
// spread = 0;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// knockedOut = true;
// honorOtherEffects = false;
// distance = 3.49232182486023;
// angle = 135;
} // (end of dropShadowSettings)
with (featherSettings)
// mode = 1852796517;
// width = 3.175;
// cornerType = 2020623203;
// noise = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
} // (end of featherSettings)
with (innerShadowSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 75;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// useGlobalLight = false;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// noise = 0;
// xOffset = 1.23472222222222;
// yOffset = 2.13860162212324;
} // (end of innerShadowSettings)
with (outerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
} // (end of outerGlowSettings)
with (innerGlowSettings)
// applied = false;
// blendMode = 2020625763;
// opacity = 75;
// noise = 0;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of effectColor)
// technique = 2020618337;
// spread = 0;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// source = 2020618594;
} // (end of innerGlowSettings)
with (bevelAndEmbossSettings)
// applied = false;
// style = 2020618850;
// technique = 2020619105;
// depth = 100;
// direction = 1181971566;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// soften = 0;
// angle = 120;
// altitude = 30;
// useGlobalLight = false;
with (highlightColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Paper";
// id = 15;
// index = 9;
} // (end of highlightColor)
// highlightBlendMode = 2020625763;
// highlightOpacity = 75;
with (shadowColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of shadowColor)
// shadowBlendMode = 2020625762;
// shadowOpacity = 75;
} // (end of bevelAndEmbossSettings)
with (satinSettings)
// applied = false;
with (effectColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of effectColor)
// blendMode = 2020625762;
// opacity = 50;
// angle = 120;
// distance = 2.46944444444444;
// size = 2.46944444444444;
// invertEffect = false;
} // (end of satinSettings)
with (directionalFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// leftWidth = 0;
// rightWidth = 0;
// topWidth = 0;
// bottomWidth = 0;
// chokeAmount = 0;
// angle = 0;
// followShapeMode = 1701721441;
// noise = 0;
} // (end of directionalFeatherSettings)
with (gradientFeatherSettings)
// applied = false;
// type = 1635282023;
// angle = 0;
// length = 0;
// hiliteAngle = 0;
// hiliteLength = 0;
with (opacityGradientStops)
// length = 0;
} // (end of opacityGradientStops)
} // (end of gradientFeatherSettings)
} // (end of contentTransparencySettings)
// appliedGraphicObjectStyle = "[Basic Graphics Frame]";
// appliedTextObjectStyle = "[Basic Text Frame]";
// appliedGridObjectStyle = "[Basic Grid]";
with (fillColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of fillColor)
// fillTint = -1;
// strokeWeight = 1;
// miterLimit = 4;
// endCap = 1650680176;
// endJoin = 1835691886;
with (strokeType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of strokeType)
// leftLineEnd = 1852796517;
// rightLineEnd = 1852796517;
with (strokeColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of strokeColor)
// strokeTint = -1;
// cornerOption = 1852796517;
// cornerRadius = 4.23333333333333;
// gradientFillAngle = 0;
// gradientStrokeAngle = 0;
with (gapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of gapColor)
// gapTint = -1;
// strokeAlignment = 1936998723;
// nonprinting = false;
} // (end of pageItemDefaults)

with (app.pasteboardPreferences) {
minimumSpaceAboveAndBelow = 10;
// previewBackgroundColor = 1766614898;
// bleedGuideColor = 1766222181;
// slugGuideColor = 1766285932;
} // (end of pasteboardPreferences)

with (app.preflightOptions) {
// preflightScope = 1885552976;
// preflightWhichLayers = 1886148176;
// preflightIncludeObjectsOnPasteboard = false;
// preflightIncludeNonprintingObjects = false;
// preflightProfilePolicy = 1885619533;
// preflightWorkingProfile = "[Basic]";
preflightOff = true;
} // (end of preflightOptions)

with (app.printPreferences) {
// printer = "C250";
// ppd = "KONICA MINOLTA C250 PS/P";
// copies = 1;
// reverseOrder = false;
// sequence = 1634495520;
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// scaleProportional = true;
// thumbnails = false;
// tile = false;
// allPrinterMarks = false;
// cropMarks = false;
// bleedMarks = false;
// registrationMarks = false;
// colorBars = false;
// pageInformationMarks = false;
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// markOffset = 2.11666666666667;
// useDocumentBleedToPrint = true;
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// bleedInside = 0;
// bleedOutside = 0;
// includeSlugToPrint = false;
// colorOutput = 1668105035;
// textAsBlack = false;
// flip = 1852796517;
// screening = 1147563124;
// simulateOverprint = false;
// sendImageData = 1869640563;
// fontDownloading = 2003332197;
// downloadPPDFonts = true;
// postscriptLevel = 1347636275;
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// activePrinterPreset = 1147563124;
} // (end of printPreferences)

with (app.storyPreferences) {
// opticalMarginAlignment = false;
opticalMarginSize = 10;
// storyDirection = 1278366308;
} // (end of storyPreferences)

with (app.textDefaults) {
// alignToBaseline = false;
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// spaceBefore = 0;
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minimumWordSpacing = 90;
maximumWordSpacing = 120;
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minimumLetterSpacing = -1;
maximumLetterSpacing = 1;
// desiredLetterSpacing = 0;
minimumGlyphScaling = 99;
maximumGlyphScaling = 101;
// desiredGlyphScaling = 100;
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ruleAboveLineWeight = 0.3;
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with (ruleAboveGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
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// ruleAboveGapTint = -1;
// ruleAboveGapOverprint = false;
with (ruleAboveType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of ruleAboveType)
// ruleBelow = false;
ruleBelowLineWeight = 0.3;
// ruleBelowTint = -1;
// ruleBelowOffset = 0;
// ruleBelowLeftIndent = 0;
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// ruleBelowColor = "Text Color";
with (ruleBelowGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of ruleBelowGapColor)
// ruleBelowGapTint = -1;
with (ruleBelowType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of ruleBelowType)
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// dropCapStyle = "[None]";
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hyphenateLastWord = false;
// ruleBelowOverprint = false;
// ruleBelowGapOverprint = false;
// dropcapDetail = 0;
hyphenateAcrossColumns = false;
// keepRuleAboveInFrame = false;
// ignoreEdgeAlignment = false;
// paragraphDirection = 1278366308;
// paragraphJustification = 1886020709;
// appliedParagraphStyle = "[Basic Paragraph]";
// appliedCharacterStyle = "[None]";
with (appliedFont)
// allowEditableEmbedding = false;
// allowOutlines = true;
// allowPDFEmbedding = true;
// allowPrinting = true;
// fontFamily = "Times";
// location = "/System/Library/Fonts/Times.dfont";
// name = "Times Regular";
// postscriptName = "Times-Roman";
// restrictedPrinting = false;
// status = 1718831470;
// fontStyleName = "Regular";
// fontType = 1718899796;
// writingScript = 29;
// fullName = "Times Roman";
// fullNameNative = "Times Roman";
// fontStyleNameNative = "Regular";
// platformName = "Times CE";
// version = "6.0d6e5";
// index = 542;
} // (end of appliedFont)
// fontStyle = "Regular";
// pointSize = 12;
// leading = 1635019116;
// kerningMethod = "Metrics";
// tracking = 0;
// capitalization = 1852797549;
// position = 1852797549;
// underline = false;
// strikeThru = false;
// ligatures = true;
// noBreak = false;
// horizontalScale = 100;
// verticalScale = 100;
// baselineShift = 0;
// skew = 0;
// fillTint = -1;
// strokeTint = -1;
// strokeWeight = 1;
// overprintStroke = false;
// overprintFill = false;
// otfFigureStyle = 1147563124;
// otfOrdinal = false;
// otfFraction = false;
// otfDiscretionaryLigature = false;
// otfTitling = false;
// otfContextualAlternate = true;
// otfSwash = false;
// underlineColor = "Text Color";
with (underlineGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of underlineGapColor)
// underlineTint = -1;
// underlineGapTint = -1;
// underlineOverprint = false;
// underlineGapOverprint = false;
with (underlineType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of underlineType)
// underlineOffset = -9999;
// underlineWeight = -9999;
// strikeThroughColor = "Text Color";
with (strikeThroughGapColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of strikeThroughGapColor)
// strikeThroughTint = -1;
// strikeThroughGapTint = -1;
// strikeThroughOverprint = false;
// strikeThroughGapOverprint = false;
with (strikeThroughType)
// name = "Solid";
// id = 23081;
// index = 17;
} // (end of strikeThroughType)
// strikeThroughOffset = -9999;
// strikeThroughWeight = -9999;
with (fillColor)
// model = 1886548851;
// space = 1129142603;
// name = "Black";
// id = 11;
// index = 0;
} // (end of fillColor)
with (strokeColor)
// name = "None";
// id = 14;
// index = 0;
} // (end of strokeColor)
appliedLanguage = app.languagesWithVendors[5]
/* {
name = "German: 2006 Reform";
singleQuotes = "‚‘";
doubleQuotes = "„“";
hyphenationVendor = "Proximity";
spellingVendor = "Proximity";
thesaurusVendor = "LILO";
id = 92;
index = 5;
} (end of appliedLanguage)
// otfSlashedZero = false;
// otfHistorical = false;
// otfStylisticSets = 0;
// gradientFillLength = -1;
// gradientFillAngle = 0;
// gradientStrokeLength = -1;
// gradientStrokeAngle = 0;
// otfMark = true;
// otfLocale = true;
// positionalForm = 1852796517;
// miterLimit = 4;
// strokeAlignment = 1936998735;
// endJoin = 1835691886;
// otfOverlapSwash = false;
// otfStylisticAlternate = false;
// otfJustificationAlternate = false;
// otfStretchedAlternate = false;
// characterDirection = 1147496036;
// keyboardDirection = 1147496036;
// digitsType = 1684628581;
// kashidas = 1801544805;
// diacriticPosition = 1685090164;
// xOffsetDiacritic = 0;
// yOffsetDiacritic = 0;
// gridAlignFirstLineOnly = false;
// bulletsAndNumberingListType = 1280601711;
with (bulletChar)
// characterType = 1111717231;
// characterValue = 8226;
// bulletsFont = 1635087471;
// bulletsFontStyle = 1635087471;
} // (end of bulletChar)
// bulletsCharacterStyle = "[None]";
// numberingCharacterStyle = "[None]";
// numberingExpression = "^#.^t";
with (numberingRestartPolicies)
// numberingPolicy = 1701732720;
// numberingLowerLevel = 0;
// numberingUpperLevel = 0;
} // (end of numberingRestartPolicies)
// bulletsTextAfter = "^t";
with (appliedNumberingList)
// name = "[Default]";
// continueNumbersAcrossStories = false;
// continueNumbersAcrossDocuments = false;
// id = 61;
// index = 0;
} // (end of appliedNumberingList)
// numberingLevel = 1;
// numberingFormat = "1, 2, 3, 4...";
// numberingContinue = true;
// numberingStartAt = 1;
// numberingApplyRestartPolicy = true;
// bulletsAlignment = 1818584692;
// numberingAlignment = 1818584692;
with (nestedStyles)
// length = 0;
} // (end of nestedStyles)
with (nestedLineStyles)
// length = 0;
} // (end of nestedLineStyles)
with (nestedGrepStyles)
// length = 0;
} // (end of nestedGrepStyles)
with (tabStops)
// length = 0;
} // (end of tabStops)
} // (end of textDefaults)

with (app.textFramePreferences) {
// textColumnCount = 1;
// textColumnGutter = 4;
// textColumnFixedWidth = 50.8;
// useFixedColumnWidth = false;
firstBaselineOffset = 1296255087;
FootnoteFirstBaseline.ASCENT_OFFSET The tallest character in the font falls below the top of the footnote container. 1296135023 = 'MAso'
FootnoteFirstBaseline.CAP_HEIGHT The tops of upper case letters touch the top of the footnote container. 1296255087 = 'MCHo'
FootnoteFirstBaseline.EMBOX_HEIGHT The em box height of the text defines the distance between the baseline of the text and the top of the footnote container. 1296386159 = 'MEHo'
FootnoteFirstBaseline.FIXED_HEIGHT The footnote minimum first baseline offset value defines the distance between the baseline of the text and the top of the footnote container. 1313228911 = 'NFHo'
FootnoteFirstBaseline.LEADING_OFFSET The leading value of the text defines the distance between the baseline of the text and the top of the footnote container. 1296852079 = 'MLdo'
FootnoteFirstBaseline.X_HEIGHT The tops of lower case letters without ascents, such as x, touch the top of the footnote container. 1299728495 = 'MxHo'
// minimumFirstBaselineOffset = 0;
// verticalJustification = 1953460256;
// verticalThreshold = 0;
// ignoreWrap = false;
} // (end of textFramePreferences)

with (app.textPreferences) {
// quoteCharactersRotatedInVertical = true; // (for japanese quotes)
typographersQuotes = true;
// highlightHjViolations = false;
// highlightKeeps = false;
// highlightSubstitutedGlyphs = false;
// highlightCustomSpacing = false;
// highlightSubstitutedFonts = true;
// useOpticalSize = true;
useParagraphLeading = true;
superscriptSize = 66;
superscriptPosition = 33;
subscriptSize = 66;
subscriptPosition = 25;
smallCap = 85;
leadingKeyIncrement = 1;
baselineShiftKeyIncrement = 1;
kerningKeyIncrement = 10;
// showInvisibles = false;
// justifyTextWraps = false;
// abutTextToTextWrap = true;
// zOrderTextWrap = false;
// linkTextFilesWhenImporting = false;
// enableStylePreviewMode = false;
// smartTextReflow = false;
// addPages = 1634037619;
// limitToMasterTextFrames = true;
// preserveFacingPageSpreads = false;
// deleteEmptyPages = false;
} // (end of textPreferences)

with (app.transparencyPreferences) {
// blendingSpace = 1129142603;
// globalLightAngle = 120;
// globalLightAltitude = 30;
} // (end of transparencyPreferences)

with (app.viewPreferences) {
guideSnaptoZone = 6;
cursorKeyIncrement = 0.1;
// horizontalMeasurementUnits = 2053991795;
// verticalMeasuregmentUnits = 2053991795;
rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.spreadOrigin;
showRulers = false;
showFrameEdges = false;
// pointsPerInch = 72;
// showNotes = true;
} // (end of viewPreferences)

with (app.xmlExportPreferences) {
// viewAfterExport = false;
// preferredBrowser = 1851876449;
// exportFromSelected = false;
// fileEncoding = 1937134904;
// ruby = false;
// excludeDtd = true;
// copyOriginalImages = false;
// copyOptimizedImages = false;
// copyFormattedImages = false;
// imageConversion = 1768059764;
// gifOptionsPalette = 1886151024;
// gifOptionsInterlaced = false;
// jpegOptionsQuality = 1701727588;
// jpegOptionsFormat = 1785751394;
// allowTransform = false;
// transformFilename = 1483961208;
// characterReferences = false;
// exportUntaggedTablesFormat = 1484022643;
} // (end of xmlExportPreferences)

with (app.xmlImportPreferences) {
// importToSelected = true;
// importStyle = 1481469289;
// createLinkToXML = false;
// repeatTextElements = true;
// ignoreUnmatchedIncoming = false;
// importTextIntoTables = true;
// ignoreWhitespace = false;
// removeUnmatchedExisting = false;
// allowTransform = false;
// transformFilename = 1483961208;
// importCALSTables = true;
} // (end of xmlImportPreferences)

with (app.xmlPreferences) {
// defaultStoryTagName = "Story";
// defaultStoryTagColor = 1765962340;
// defaultTableTagName = "Table";
// defaultTableTagColor = 1766089324;
// defaultCellTagName = "Cell";
// defaultCellTagColor = 1766287218;
// defaultImageTagName = "Image";
// defaultImageTagColor = 1767271540;
} // (end of xmlPreferences)

with (app.xmlViewPreferences) {
// showStructure = false;
// showTagMarkers = true;
// showTaggedFrames = false;
// showAttributes = true;
// showTextSnippets = false;
} // (end of xmlViewPreferences)

with (app.chapterNumberPreferences) {
// chapterNumber = 1;
// chapterNumberSource = 1668178800;
// chapterNumberFormat = "1, 2, 3, 4...";
} // (end of chapterNumberPreferences)

with (app.metadataPreferences) {
// creator = "Adobe InDesign 6.0";
// format = "application/x-indesign";
// copyrightStatus = 1433299822;
} // (end of metadataPreferences)

with (app.printBookletOptions) {
// pageRange = 1886547553;
// bookletType = 1110594387;
// spaceBetweenPages = 0;
// bleedBetweenPages = 0;
// creep = 0;
// signatureSize = 1112748084;
// topMargin = 12.7;
// bottomMargin = 12.7;
// leftMargin = 12.7;
// rightMargin = 12.7;
// autoAdjustMargins = true;
// marginsUniformSize = false;
// printBlankPrinterSpreads = true;
} // (end of printBookletOptions)

with (app.printBookletPrintPreferences) {
// printer = "C250";
// ppd = "KONICA MINOLTA C250 PS/P";
// copies = 1;
// reverseOrder = false;
// printNonprinting = false;
// printBlankPages = false;
// printGuidesGrids = false;
// paperSize = "A4";
// printPageOrientation = 1751738216;
// pagePosition = 1668183118;
// scaleMode = 1935898745;
// scaleWidth = 100;
// scaleHeight = 100;
// scaleProportional = true;
// printLayers = 1987080780;
// allPrinterMarks = false;
// cropMarks = false;
// bleedMarks = false;
// registrationMarks = false;
// colorBars = false;
// pageInformationMarks = false;
// markType = 1147563124;
// markLineWeight = 842346608;
// markOffset = 2.11666666666667;
// useDocumentBleedToPrint = true;
// bleedTop = 0;
// bleedBottom = 0;
// bleedInside = 0;
// bleedOutside = 0;
// bleedChain = false;
// colorOutput = 1668105035;
// textAsBlack = false;
// flip = 1852796517;
// screening = 1147563124;
// simulateOverprint = false;
// sendImageData = 1869640563;
// fontDownloading = 2003332197;
// downloadPPDFonts = true;
// postscriptLevel = 1347636275;
// dataFormat = 1095975753;
// sourceSpace = 1967419235;
// profile = 1967419235;
// preserveColorNumbers = true;
// opiImageReplacement = false;
// omitEPS = false;
// omitPDF = false;
// omitBitmaps = false;
// flattenerPresetName = "[Medium Resolution]";
// ignoreSpreadOverrides = false;
// activePrinterPreset = 1147563124;
} // (end of printBookletPrintPreferences)

with (app.inDesignPagesPanel) {
// iconSize = 1886217572;
// masterIconSize = 1886612844;
// verticalView = false;
// masterVerticalView = true;
// resizeBehavior = 1886416230;
// pagesOnTop = false;
//pagesThumbnails = false;
//mastersThumbnails = false;
// transparencyIcons = false;
// transitionsIcons = false;
// rotationIcons = true;
// name = "Pages";
// visible = false;
// index = -1;
} // (end of pagesPanel)
alert("Voreinstellungen eingerichtet.");

Indesign Voreinstellungen/Preferences/Defaults per Skript

Beiträge gesamt: 96

12. Dez 2012, 23:26

gelesen: 15495

Beitrag als Lesezeichen
Absolut grandios... vielen herzlichen Dank.


Indesign Voreinstellungen/Preferences/Defaults per Skript

Beiträge gesamt: 107

22. Feb 2013, 15:57

gelesen: 15111

Beitrag als Lesezeichen
ich bin nun schon ne ganze weile am durchforsten von jongwares seite. Kann mir eventuell jemand auf die sprünge helfen und mir sagen, wie man den Pfad für die Daten der Dokumentenherstellung per Script erreicht? Manuell zu finden unter Voreinstellungen->Dateihandhabung->Daten für Dokumentenwiederherstellung


(Dieser Beitrag wurde von iduser am 22. Feb 2013, 15:58 geändert)

Indesign Voreinstellungen/Preferences/Defaults per Skript

Martin Fischer
Beiträge gesamt: 12783

22. Feb 2013, 16:25

gelesen: 15083

Beitrag als Lesezeichen
Hallo Philipp,

schau mal im JavaScript Tools Guide im File System Access Bereich nach.

Auf den Seiten 56 und 57 findest Du ein paar spezielle Ordner-Klassen:


Wirst Du da fündig?
Vielleicht kannst Du einen davon als relative Basis verwenden.

Viele Grüße

(Dieser Beitrag wurde von Martin Fischer am 22. Feb 2013, 16:26 geändert)

Indesign Voreinstellungen/Preferences/Defaults per Skript

Beiträge gesamt: 2762

22. Feb 2013, 16:36

gelesen: 15078

Beitrag als Lesezeichen
Hallo Philipp,

ich weiß nicht, ob ich Deine Frage richtig verstanden habe:

Meinst Du den Pfad auf der Festplatte?

Dann funktioniert das so

Folder.userData -> ergibt den relativen Pfad (z. B. Windows) -> ~/AppData/Roaming/Adobe

+/Programmname + /Version+/Länderkennung + /Dateiname der Settingdatei

Im Objectbaum -> z. B. wirklich bei Jongware.

Oder Du benutzt WpsCompareObjects.

Den generellen Aufbau des Dateipfades am Beispiel meiner eigenen Anwendungen findest Du z. B. in meinem Settings-Objekt für InDesign-Skripte

Einen schönen Tag wünscht

Werner Perplies
Praxisnahe Skript-Lösungen und Skript-Programmierung für Adobe InDesign
Aktuelles (Stand: 14.02.2024)

Indesign Voreinstellungen/Preferences/Defaults per Skript

Beiträge gesamt: 107

23. Feb 2013, 14:58

gelesen: 15012

Beitrag als Lesezeichen
vielen Dank für eure beiden Antworten.
Zum Auslesen der Pfade ist es sehr hilfreich.

Mein Ziel ist es, beim Einrichten eines Arbeitsplatzes ein paar Einstellungen per Script vorzunehmen. Unter anderem soll auch der Pfad für "Daten der Dokumentenwiederherstellung" geändert werden. Momentan (C:\Users\Benutzer\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\Version 7.5\de_DE\Caches\InDesign Recovery)

Ich habe gedacht, dass es irgendwo unter "app.generalPreferences" o.ä. zu finden ist, sodass ich dann den neuen Pfad zuweisen kann. Dort wo man halt auch die anderen Voreinstellungen ansprechen/verändern kann.
Wahrscheinlich habe ich es nur übersehen. Ich werd mal weitersuchen. Für einen Tipp bin ich weiterhin dankbar.

(Dieser Beitrag wurde von iduser am 23. Feb 2013, 15:02 geändert)

Indesign Voreinstellungen/Preferences/Defaults per Skript

Beiträge gesamt: 67

19. Nov 2015, 15:09

gelesen: 9937

Beitrag als Lesezeichen
Danke für die gute Vorarbeit.
Nun häng ich doch an einer Stelle. Kann mir bitte jemand sagen, wie der Befehl zum ändern des "Standardsetzer" unter "Erweiterte Eingabe" in den Voreinstellungen von ID CC 2015 heißt? Ich habe gerade das DOM von ID dazu durchsucht und bin nicht fündig geworden. Es gibt zwar die Eigenschaft "composer" welche sich aber auf "textDefaults" bezieht...
