hab hier einen ganz hartnäckigen,der will einfach nicht mit dem spammen aufhören,wäre schön wenn ihr helfen könntet.
ich hab den erstma 10 mails a 1 mb geschickt.
wenn ihr einen freemail account habt und einen schnellen anschluss,dann los,mail die jungs zu,diese adressen funzen:
abuse@aesop.com (ha,ha,ha)
gemeinsam zwingen wir alle in die knie.
ach ja,für alle die glauben das das nichts bringt,ich habe nun knapp einen monat lang konsequent jedem spammer nachgestellt und fette mails geschickt,bei freemail accounts habe ich die betreiber angeschrieben,mit der bitte einer sperrung,das ergebnis ist,anstatt 30-40 spammails die woche bekomme ich nun nur noch 5-9 mails die woche,und der kampf ist noch nicht vorbei.
mfg - dont be a victim
die mail
Aesop.com" schrieb:
Hi Ingo,
OK, my report on CASHevolution is finally done.
Like you, a lot of people have been waiting for me to finish
my report (and give CASHevolution my final seal of approval)
before they sign up.
The coolest part is, after you sign up, you can use this report
as a tool to build your matrix (you can see the report for
details after you sign up).
Needless to say, CASHevolution has my full approval. Their
dedication to excellence was proven last week when they upgraded
to 24/7 Customer Service. They now answer support requests
within 30-45 minutes. (And many more improvements are on the way.)
More great news: the first pay day happened this week for people
who signed up in May. They transferred over $50,000.00 in
commissions to the members' accounts. For their first pay day,
that's quite an impressive amount.
Anyway, after you sign up:
... you can read the full details of my findings here:
It's exciting to be able to include you in this during the
launch stage.
All the best,
Mark Joyner
CEO, Aesop.com
Founder of ROIbot, StartBlaze, and more
P.S. After you sign up be sure to check out the section of my
report that discusses the growth potential of CASHevolution.
Very exciting stuff.
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